ErbB2-Driven Breast Cancer Cell Invasion Depends on a Complex Signaling Network Activating Myeloid Zinc Finger-1-Dependent Cathepsin B Expression

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  • Bo Rafn
  • Nielsen, Christian Friberg
  • Sofie Hagel Andersen
  • Piotr Szyniarowski
  • Elisabeth Corcelle-Termeau
  • Erkka Valo
  • Nicole Fehrenbacher
  • Charlotta Johanne Olsen
  • Mads Daugaard
  • Christina Egebjerg
  • Trine Bøttzauw
  • Pekka Kohonen
  • Jesper Nylandsted
  • Sampsa Hautaniemi
  • José Moreira
  • Jaattela, Marja
  • Tuula Kallunki
Aberrant ErbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase activation in breast cancer is strongly linked to an invasive disease. The molecular basis of ErbB2-driven invasion is largely unknown. We show that cysteine cathepsins B and L are elevated in ErbB2 positive primary human breast cancer and function as effectors of ErbB2-induced invasion in vitro. We identify Cdc42-binding protein kinase beta, extracellular regulated kinase 2, p21-activated protein kinase 4, and protein kinase C alpha as essential mediators of ErbB2-induced cysteine cathepsin expression and breast cancer cell invasiveness. The identified signaling network activates the transcription of cathepsin B gene (CTSB) via myeloid zinc finger-1 transcription factor that binds to an ErbB2-responsive enhancer element in the first intron of CTSB. This work provides a model system for ErbB2-induced breast cancer cell invasiveness, reveals a signaling network that is crucial for invasion in vitro, and defines a specific role and targets for the identified serine-threonine kinases.
TidsskriftMolecular Cell
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)764-76
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2012

ID: 38063096