El Museo de Arte Moderno Louisiana (1958): un oportuno encuentro de talentos

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Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (1958) represents a golden architectural era in Denmark. Conceived as an integral work where architecture, art and landscape coexist in the same space, it exemplifies the union of tradition and modernity, and offers an extraordinary connection to Nature. Jørgen Bo and Vilhelm Wohlert, its architects, gather different skills and principles, but they share a range of architectural conceptions where their Danish identity remains in the background. The aim of this article is to unveil due what figures and special features this shared identity takes shape and to reveal through what design strategies the connection with the natural environment is enhanced. A complete specific study about these issues is lacked. The teachings by the Danish masters who led Denmark towards Modernity are unfolded through an architectural tour across Louisiana. Its architects´ intentions, architectural understanding and way of approaching the architectural design practice are clarified. Moreover, this also contributes to the comprehension of post-war Danish architecture, that as a part of Northern Regionalism exemplifies the fight against architecture´s character absence. In the era of necessary reflection on man-nature relationship, and the role of architecture as a mediator mean, Louisiana offers an opportunity for a better architectural future.
OriginalsprogSpansk (Peru)
TidsskriftVAD veredes, arquitectura y divulgación
Vol/bindLas oportunidades
Udgave nummer05
Sider (fra-til)42-54
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 4 jun. 2021
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 379995556