Design and evaluation of learning strategies for a group of radiographers in radiostereometric analysis (RSA)

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INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to design and evaluate a radiostereometric analysis (RSA) program aimed at radiographers in order to increase their cognitive and practical skills, thereby increasing image quality and minimizing exposure repetition.

METHODS AND MATERIALS: Twenty radiographers were randomized into two identically sized study groups. Training consisted of a theoretical and practical workshop using a phantom. Tests were performed to compare the effect of training to nontraining, and the effect of time duration on the maintenance of RSA skills. The effect of training was measured by a written test and three defined parameters influencing image quality.

RESULTS: Group A reduced significantly (p < 0.001) by 31.3 mm (21-31%) the distance between the centrum of the prosthesis (CP) and the centrum of the calibration field (CCF) and increased the number of beads (NB) visible by 3.6 (out of 18). A further significant reduction of 5.1 mm (p = 0.023), 1.0 bead more (p < 0.001) and a 2.1 (p = 0.022) point better rotation of the prosthesis (RP) was registered two months later. Group B was tested twice without training and no significant improvement was registered. One month after training group B had experienced overall significant improvement on a par with group A.

CONCLUSION: It is realistic to implement an RSA X-ray training program where radiographers significantly improve their theoretical and practical skills in centering the CP closer to the CCF, NB and RP. A duration of up to two months after training does not influence the quality of participants' performance.

Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)e80-e86
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2017

ID: 185988253