Dealing with the round ligament of uterus in laparoscopic groin hernia repair: a nationwide survey among experienced surgeons

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Purpose: Our aim was to investigate how often a national cohort of experienced groin hernia surgeons transected the round ligament of uterus in laparoscopic groin hernia repair. Furthermore, we wished to explore the surgeons’ personal opinions and knowledge on the function and importance of the ligament. Methods: An electronic questionnaire was sent to all surgeons in Denmark performing laparoscopic groin hernia repair on a regular basis. The questionnaire consisted of demographic details, estimated incidence of transection of the round ligament of uterus, information about transection to the patients, documentation of transection in the medical records, and the surgeons’ personal opinions and knowledge of the importance of the ligament. Results: A total of 71 surgeons met our eligibility criteria and 61 (86%) provided complete responses. We estimated that the round ligament of uterus was transected in 395 of 813 (49%) herniorrhaphies during the past 12 months. Personal opinions and knowledge on the function of the ligament and the importance of preserving it varied greatly among the surgeons. Conclusions: Transection of the round ligament of uterus in laparoscopic groin hernia repair is common. The consequences of transecting the round ligament of uterus are not well described, and opinions and knowledge on the issue vary widely among experienced hernia surgeons.

Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)849-855
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2018

ID: 218670344