Dead and Life in Mud: - A Split Second of 2 million years

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The conversation ‘Death and Life in Mud, a Split-Second over 2 Million Years’ between Rikke Luther and geochemist Karina Krarup Sand (GLOBE Institute, Geogenetics) was held Thursday, 9 November, Astrid Noack’s Atelier in relation to Luther’s exhibition Mud Within the Earth System.

The conversation revolved around the processes between what we define as organic and inorganic; between organic molecules and mineral surfaces and the significance for life in muddy environments with fragmented 2-million-year-old e-DNA everywhere. What happens when the sea divides new landscapes with land and river erosions, and when oceans of material are transformed and moved from melted areas?

The conversation took place in connection with Rikke Luther’s exhibition and project Mud in the Earth System, which was on show at Astrid Noack’s Atelier between 3 November until 3 December 2023.
Publikationsdato9 nov. 2023
Medier for resultatPodcast
StatusUdgivet - 9 nov. 2023

ID: 382993430