Datafied Education: The Hidden Commodification of School Life in Denmark

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Amid the increasing reliance on digital tools and services in education, this article examines the
datafication and commodification of public education in Denmark. We analyze the web and app
(iOS and Android) versions of 45 tools and services that are highly used in Danish public primary
schools, the market actors harvesting and distributing user data, as well as the types of data they
generate. The analysis finds that the digital tools and services collect significant amounts of user
data, use it for functional as well as commercial purposes, and distribute it to a long list of third-
party services. In light of these findings, we reflect on how the datafied and commodified school
life challenges established welfare state ideals surrounding public schooling, raise challenges for
schools and teachers alike, and create new inequalities amongst students.
Publikationsdato24 maj 2022
Antal sider27
StatusUdgivet - 24 maj 2022
Begivenhed72nd Annual ICA Conference: One World, One Network? - Paris, Frankrig
Varighed: 26 maj 202230 maj 2022


Konference72nd Annual ICA Conference

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