Countrywise results of total hip replacement An analysis of 438,733 hips based on the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association database

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  • K. T. Makela
  • M. Matilainen
  • P. Pulkkinen
  • A. M. Fenstad
  • L. I. Havelin
  • L. Engesaeter
  • O. Furnes
  • Overgaard, Søren
  • A. B. Pedersen
  • J. Karrholm
  • H. Malchau
  • G. Garellick
  • J. Ranstam
  • A. Eskelinen
Background and purpose An earlier Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA) report on 280,201 total hip replacements (THRs) based on data from 1995-2006, from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, was published in 2009. The present study assessed THR survival according to country, based on the NARA database with the Finnish data included. Material and methods 438,733 THRs performed during the period 1995-2011 in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland were included. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to calculate survival probabilities with 95% confidence interval (CI). Cox multiple regression, with adjustment for age, sex, and diagnosis, was used to analyze implant survival with revision for any reason as endpoint. Results The 15-year survival, with any revision as an endpoint, for all THRs was 86% (CI: 85.7-86.9) in Denmark, 88% (CI: 87.6-88.3) in Sweden, 87% (CI: 86.4-87.4) in Norway, and 84% (CI: 82.9-84.1) in Finland. Revision risk for all THRs was less in Sweden than in the 3 other countries during the first 5 years. However, revision risk for uncemented THR was less in Denmark than in Sweden during the sixth (HR = 0.53, CI: 0.34-0.82), seventh (HR = 0.60, CI: 0.37-0.97), and ninth (HR = 0.59, CI: 0.36-0.98) year of follow-up. Interpretation The differences in THR survival rates were considerable, with inferior results in Finland. Brand-level comparison of THRs in Nordic countries will be required.
TidsskriftActa Orthopaedica (Print Edition)
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)107-116
StatusUdgivet - 2014
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

ISI Document Delivery No.: AD3ZP Times Cited: 1 Cited Reference Count: 24 Makela, Keijo T. Matilainen, Markus Pulkkinen, Pekka Fenstad, Anne M. Havelin, Leif I. Engesaeter, Lars Furnes, Ove Overgaard, Soren Pedersen, Alma B. Kaerrholm, Johan Malchau, Henrik Garellick, Goeran Ranstam, Jonas Eskelinen, Antti 2 INFORMA HEALTHCARE NEW YORK ACTA ORTHOP

ID: 252060192