Construcción de un modelo arquitectónico vinculado a la Naturaleza: Una nueva estrategia de docencia y aprendizaje

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This article analyzes and reveals the keys to an educational innovation project proposal, conceived and planned by Dr.Carmen García Sánchez, to be developed at the at the Royal Danish Academy Architecture Design Conservation, Copenhagen , at the Institute of Architecture and Design (IBD). The project, in which the classroom is conceived as an architectural laboratory, a meeting point between the subjects of architectural design and construction, integrates a variety of innovative teaching methods: Gamification, Flipped Classroom, Challenge-Based Learning, Design Thinking, Collective Intelligence, etc ... It enables architecture and design students to improve their creativity, develop their artistic skills and acquire different knowledge, strengths and complementary skills, such as the creation of a private space, reflection on the idea of inhabitation; the exploration of architectural design in relation to nature; notions of sustainable design and recycling; the development of your critical and creative thinking; the development of your graphic, written and oral communication skills; the activation of your independent and original thinking; and the improvement of your leadership and organisational skills, co-design, time management, conflict/problem solving skills and decision-making.The article offers resources for good practice and implementation of educational innovation, thus facilitating innovation at classroom level. It provides tools to address the challenges faced by innovative learning models in architecture education. Above all, it aims to promote innovation in architectural design education by empowering and inspiring teachers and other educational staff to use innovative teaching methods and to share their best practice and experiences with their colleagues. It is supported by literature and the results of some innovative projects in architectural design education at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), School of Architecture (ETSAM).
TidsskriftAdvances In Building Education Innovación Educativa en Edificación
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)39-54
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 16 apr. 2021
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 379995820