Constraining High-energy Neutrino Emission from Supernovae with IceCube

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  • R. Abbasi
  • M. Ackermann
  • J. Adams
  • S. K. Agarwalla
  • J. A. Aguilar
  • Ahlers, Markus Tobias
  • J. M. Alameddine
  • N. M. Amin
  • K. Andeen
  • G. Anton
  • C. Argüelles
  • Y. Ashida
  • S. Athanasiadou
  • S. N. Axani
  • X. Bai
  • V. A. Balagopal
  • M. Baricevic
  • S. W. Barwick
  • V. Basu
  • R. Bay
  • J. J. Beatty
  • K. H. Becker
  • J. Becker Tjus
  • J. Beise
  • C. Bellenghi
  • S. BenZvi
  • D. Berley
  • E. Bernardini
  • D. Z. Besson
  • G. Binder
  • D. Bindig
  • E. Blaufuss
  • S. Blot
  • F. Bontempo
  • J. Y. Book
  • C. Boscolo Meneguolo
  • S. Böser
  • O. Botner
  • J. Böttcher
  • E. Bourbeau
  • J. Braun
  • B. Brinson
  • J. Brostean-Kaiser
  • R. T. Burley
  • R. S. Busse
  • Koskinen, D. Jason
  • T. Kozynets
  • J. V. Mead
  • A. Søgaard
  • Stuttard, Thomas Simon
  • Icecube Collaboration

Core-collapse supernovae are a promising potential high-energy neutrino source class. We test for correlation between seven years of IceCube neutrino data and a catalog containing more than 1000 core-collapse supernovae of types IIn and IIP and a sample of stripped-envelope supernovae. We search both for neutrino emission from individual supernovae as well as for combined emission from the whole supernova sample, through a stacking analysis. No significant spatial or temporal correlation of neutrinos with the cataloged supernovae was found. All scenarios were tested against the background expectation and together yield an overall p-value of 93%; therefore, they show consistency with the background only. The derived upper limits on the total energy emitted in neutrinos are 1.7 × 1048 erg for stripped-envelope supernovae, 2.8 × 1048 erg for type IIP, and 1.3 × 1049 erg for type IIn SNe, the latter disfavoring models with optimistic assumptions for neutrino production in interacting supernovae. We conclude that stripped-envelope supernovae and supernovae of type IIn do not contribute more than 14.6% and 33.9%, respectively, to the diffuse neutrino flux in the energy range of about [ 103-105] GeV, assuming that the neutrino energy spectrum follows a power-law with an index of −2.5. Under the same assumption, we can only constrain the contribution of type IIP SNe to no more than 59.9%. Thus, core-collapse supernovae of types IIn and stripped-envelope supernovae can both be ruled out as the dominant source of the diffuse neutrino flux under the given assumptions.

TidsskriftAstrophysical Journal Letters
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.

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