Clinical risk factors, DNA variants, and the development of type 2 diabetes

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  • Valeriya Lyssenko
  • Jonsson, Anna Elisabet
  • Peter Almgren
  • Nicoló Pulizzi
  • Bo Isomaa
  • Tiinamaija Tuomi
  • Göran Berglund
  • David Altshuler
  • Peter Nilsson
  • Leif Groop
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is thought to develop from an interaction between environmental and genetic factors. We examined whether clinical or genetic factors or both could predict progression to diabetes in two prospective cohorts.
TidsskriftNew England Journal of Medicine
Udgave nummer21
Sider (fra-til)2220-32
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 20 nov. 2008

ID: 46404618