Biomedical application and controlled drug release of electrospun fibrous materials

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

Electrospinning, as a nanotechnology, is able to produce polymeric fibers materials with nanoscale structure which are also named electrospun fibers material (EFM). These EFMs can be used in many biomedical applications such as wound dressing, tissue engineering, and medical textile materials. Over the last decades, electrospun nanofibers also have been applied to drug delivery such as orodispersible film, solid dispersion and various controlled release dosage forms due to many properties such as high surface to volume ratio, high porous, ease of fabrication and adaptability and so on. This review focuses on the recent advances in biomedical application of EFM, controlled drug release from EFM and devices for producing sophisticated EFM. The processing parameters which influence the physicochemical properties of the resulting EFM are also summarized as well as scaling up techniques for mass production of EFM.

TidsskriftMaterials Science and Engineering C
Sider (fra-til)750-763
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 2018

ID: 220856173