Antipodes of monoidal decomposition spaces

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We introduce a notion of antipode for monoidal (complete) decomposition spaces, inducing a notion of weak antipode for their incidence bialgebras. In the connected case, this recovers the usual notion of antipode in Hopf algebras. In the non-connected case, it expresses an inversion principle of more limited scope, but still sufficient to compute the Mobius function as mu = zeta o S, just as in Hopf algebras. At the level of decomposition spaces, the weak antipode takes the form of a formal difference of linear endofunctors S-even - S-odd, and it is a refinement of the general Mobius inversion construction of Galvez-Kock-Tonks, but exploiting the monoidal structure.

TidsskriftCommunications in Contemporary Mathematics
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2020
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 331497757