Allergic comorbidity is a risk factor for not attending scheduled outpatient visits in children with asthma

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Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in children globally. Previous studies have shown that not attending asthma primary care consultations is associated with poorer treatment adherence and increased risk of loss of asthma control on a short-term basis. Here, we investi-gated long-term patterns and predictors of not attending scheduled asthma outpatient visits during 5-years of follow-up in 146 children with asthma. Of the 146 children, 67 (46%) did not attend at least one scheduled appointment, amounting to a total of 122 (10.8%) missed of 1133 scheduled appointments. In a multivariate analysis adjusting for total scheduled visits in the 5-year period any allergic sensitization was a significant risk factor for not attending ≥1 scheduled appointment (aOR = 6.6 (95% CI, 1.3–39.7), p = 0.03), which was not the case for asthma treatment step or lung func-tion. Furthermore, atopic predisposition decreased the risk of non-attendance (aOR = 0.36 (0.13–0.92), p = 0.04). We found no association between non-attendance, treatment adherence or loss of asthma control. This study highlights that allergic comorbidity, but not degree of asthma severity, identifies a group of children with asthma who are prone to not attend scheduled outpatient appointments.

Udgave nummer12
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
Funding: The current project was done without financial support.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

ID: 303681144