A global microbiome survey of vineyard soils highlights the microbial dimension of viticultural terroirs

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The microbial biodiversity found in different vitivinicultural regions is an important determinant of wine terroir. It should be studied and preserved, although it may, in the future, be subjected to manipulation by precision agriculture and oenology. Here, we conducted a global survey of vineyards' soil microbial communities. We analysed soil samples from 200 vineyards on four continents to establish the basis for the development of a vineyard soil microbiome's map, representing microbial biogeographical patterns on a global scale. This study describes vineyard microbial communities worldwide and establishes links between vineyard locations and microbial biodiversity on different scales: between continents, countries, and between different regions within the same country. Climate data correlates with fungal alpha diversity but not with prokaryotes alpha diversity, while spatial distance, on a global and national scale, is the main variable explaining beta-diversity in fungal and prokaryotes communities. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria phyla, and Archaea genus Nitrososphaera dominate prokaryotic communities in soil samples while the overall fungal community is dominated by the genera Solicoccozyma, Mortierella and Alternaria. Finally, we used microbiome data to develop a predictive model based on random forest analyses to discriminate between microbial patterns and to predict the geographical source of the samples with reasonable precision.

A global analysis of vineyard soil microbial diversity provides insights into the biogeographical patterns that characterize wine regions worldwide, capturing the microbial dimension of viticultural terroirs.

TidsskriftCommunications Biology
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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