Robert Frei

Robert Frei



I am a Professor of Geochemistry at the Dept. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen (KU), Denmark, since 1997. After conducting my MSc and PhD studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, I worked as an assistant professor at University of Bern for 5 years. After a two years period as laboratory manager of the Danish Center for Isotope Geology, I then took the position of an ordinary professor at KU. I am a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 2004, and published over 376 ISI registered articles, currently setting an H-index to 75. My interests range from paleoclimate research, using a variety of traditional and non-traditional isotope systems, to geochronology, environmental geochemistry, magmatic-metamorphic petrology and ore deposits research. I am lately also interested in provenance and mobility studies of prehistoric humans and so entered the field of archaeometry.


ID: 11756