Rikke Munck Petersen
Associate Professor
Landscape Architecture, Planning and Design
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C
Member of:
Rikke is trained as an architect and landscape architect from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design and conservation (KADK), where she also received her PhD.
Research and practice
She researches methodologies addressing the body´s sensorium, the role of experience and sensation, and a more dynamic, sequential, transient and aesthetic spatial approach towards landscape transformation and an extended sensory awareness in relation to nature, landscape transformatins, design and planning processes.
At UCPH-IGH, she has pioneered in the field of sensory analysis, conception, media mediations, especially film, and its co-creating role in place-based design and planning. Her current main research focus is multi-sensory large-scale analysis and design and the embedded performativity capacity of drone filming to stir a sensory and affectivity reoriented planning practice in order to qualify the hybrid of natural and human-made landscapes.
For the last fifteen years, Rikke has developed and integrated her practice and knowledge on landscape transformations, cuktural heritage, design, planning, participatory processes, large-scale analysis and media mediations through different research, teaching and practice collaborations. Besides research and teaching she has since 2003 had her own studio and worked as a planner before her position as PhD Fellow. Her PhD thesis 'Landscapetransformations' received the ICAR CORA Prize 2011, and also her studio mupLA has won prices for projects in multiple scales. She collaborates with architecture offices, artists, municipalities and holds/has had several trusts.
Rikke is member of the IGN Study Board, part of the research groups Landscape Architecture and Urbanism' and 'Spatial Change and Planning' and in the organizing group for the Copenhagen Landscape Lectures series.
Rikke is project leader of the Pilot project The Ribe River System, nature and landscape values in climate adaptation (2020-2022, 15. Juni Fonden, Miljøstyrelsen).
Rikke leads the 2020-2022 Danish Art Foundation supported project 'Drone Aesthetic Experience and co-creation - a pre-project', that explores the sensory-engaging and experience-stimulating capacity of drone-footage, which is necessary in the work with major landscape transformations regarding climate adaptation and their spatial impacts and effect on peole and other living.
Rikke is as project member responsable for filmic explorations under the landscape accessment in the Pilot project Gudenådalen (2021-2022, Gudenåkomiteen)
Rikke is research partner on the Research Fund Denmark, DFF/FKK funded 'Done Imaginaries and Communities. Understanding Drones through Aesthetics' (2020-2024). The Project started September 2020. See more here: www.sdu.dk/diacs
Selected research outputs
Touching Visions, explorative co-collaborative film, IGN International Academy 2021: UCPH, Surroundingslab and CAFx, October 2021
Drone affect: Folded Points of Views as a Co-affection Method for Empathy and Care, published in Emotion, Space, and Society, vol.14. September 29 2021
The dispatched drone and affective distance in fieldwork, published in The Senses and Society, Vol. 15, 3. October 2020.
1 film on researching and teaching in film and landscape architecture and three films of student film explorations in the UCPH landscape education, May 6 2020.
Klimatilpasning i det åbne land. Løsningseksempler. Københavns Universitet, December 2019.
'Resonance and Transcendence of a Bodily Presence: How a filmic mapping of non-visual, aural and bodily relations in space can strengthen the sensory dimension in landscape architectural design''. I. Troiani & H Campbell (red), Architecture filmmaking hos Intellect Ltd., Bristol: https://www.intellectbooks.com/architecture-filmmaking 2019
Rikke has been teaching in Architectural schools since 2000. From 2012 at UCPH-IGN she has as course responsible initiated, planned and conducted design studio teaching at bachelor and master level. She supervises bachelor, master thesis students and PhD-students. Her current courses as course responsible are:
BSc Practice and Aesthetics in Landscape Architecture – Studio (HVÆS), mandatory coruse 15 ECTS, 2014 - now
HVÆS explores the interchange between body and horizon physically in space, abstract in theories and projective in mediation of media (drawing, model, photography and film). Aware work with such co-creation extends students sensory and aesthetic experience and cognition as basic practice in the profession. Students provide competences to develop individually and gain tools, skills and knowledge of aesthetics and a performative phenomenological design thinking and making, linked to current planning and design challenges.
MSc design course Transformation Studio - from 2023 Rikke is engaged as co-teacher.
She teaches and has taught/given lectures at Theory & Methods in Landscape Architecture, Theories of Urban Design, GeoDesign, Scientific Theory of Landscape Architecture, Thematic course II. Rural landscapes - Management and Planning.
Previously she was course responsible for and teaching the two master design courses:
MSc Landscape Film – Studio, 7,5 ECTS, 2014-2018
Landscape Film - Studio is a design studio exploring new media, especially film, approach and language of design, and an extended aware ability to work explorative with media mediations. Students develop an individual design intervention focusing specifically on the film mediums embedded sensory performativity in design processes. The final course projects have to contain output in the different media and a site-specific proposal in film in order to stir new performative aesthetics.
MSc Urbanism Studio, 15 ECTS, 2013-2015.
See examp,es of teaching/course publications and teacning approaches an -formats under publication or here: https://issuu.com/rikkemunckpetersen/stacks, Spot på undervisningen i film og landskabsarkitektur på IGN, KU, 2020 og Filmic explorations in landscape architecture 2021
Supervision of doctoral students:
Hongxia Pu – Project title:
The Emerging Horizontality of Desakota Urbanity In Hilly Regions in Southwest China (2020-)
Kristen Danielle van Haeren – Project title:
Thickness of the Green – Another way of telling two Danish welfare landscapes (completed, 2020)
Elisabeth Umbanhowar –
visiting guest PhD fellow from Univeristy of Washington. Elisabeth research forcus is film, landscape architecture and public spaces (mentor spring 2020)
ID: 37447101
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Landskabets transformation: Begivenheder i landskabssyn, landskabskonception og landskabsrum
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