Lene Sigsgaard
Associate Professor
Section for Organismal Biology
Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C
Curriculum vitae –Lene Sigsgaard
Personal data
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C Denmark, Ph. +45 35332674/ +45 21151827, les@plen.ku.dk,
1992 - 1996: Royal Veterinary and Agric. University (KVL), PhD in agricultural entomology.
1982 - 1989: KVL. MSc. in Agricultural Sciences, main subjects in insect-plant interactions.
EARLIER positions (TITLE Employer, year) (STAY ABROAD)
Assoc. Professor |
Univ. Copenhagen, Faculty of Science |
Denmark |
2006- |
Assoc. Professor R&D |
KVL, Dept. Ecology |
Denmark |
2002-2005 |
Assistant Professor |
KVL, Dept. of Ecology |
Denmark |
2001-2002 |
Coll. Research Scientist |
International Rice Research Institute |
Philippines |
1998-2001 |
Researcher |
Danish Agricultural Research Institute |
Denmark |
1996-1998 |
Assistant Scientist |
KVL (at ICRISAT, India 1992, 1993) |
Denmark |
1992-1995 |
Assistant Scientist |
KVL, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences |
Denmark |
1989-1992 |
Consultant |
IMP, (Biological control) (3 mo/year 07-11) |
Kenya |
2007-2011 |
Headed 19 research projects, participated in several others. Headed by LS (details 2013-): Danish lead in EU C-IPM/ GUDP project API-Tree 2017-20; EU CORE Organic +/GUDP EcoOrchard 2015-18 (Coordinator); Danish lead in EU CORE organic/GUDP Softpest Multitrap 2012-14; LS participant (details 2015-):The Danish Council for Independent Research, Technology and Production Sciences, Optimizing performance of biological control agents used in Integrated Pest Management 2015-2019, GUDP, Protecfruit 2013-2017, Strategic Res. Council 2012-2015: Imbicont -Improved biological control for IPM in fruits and berries w Univ. Sao Paulo/Brazil;, EU FP7 2012-2015 Inbiosoil - Innovative biological products for soil pest control, FFU: 2011-17: Productivity and growth in organic value chains
Ecological studies of insect-plant and predator-prey interactions and biodiversity in scales from individual to community aiming at developing sustainable production systems to promote natural regulation of insect pests, wild bees for pollination, and apply use of biological control. Integrated Pest Management.
Supervision AND Teaching__________________________________________________
Guidance at BSc (8), MSc (19), PhD (13) ad postdoc (3) level. Presently main supervisor of 3 MSc, 3 PhD students and co-supervisor of 2 PhD students. Teaching courses in insect ecology and biological control, conservation and agricultural development.
selected Professional services
2016: External scientific expert. Assessment of Research applications for the research programme EkoForsk, Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU.
2016: External expert to evaluate the applicants for the position as senior lecturer in plant protection, Sveriges Lantbrugs Universitet (SLU), Uppsala
2013-2019 Head of section, Organismal biologi, University of Copenhagen
2013 Scientific committee member Associate professor in Agricultural Entomology, UMB, Norway
2012 Panel Member Agric. and Forestry Sciences, FCT, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 expert, EU monitoring review of CGIAR
2010 review of project application (Systerra) INRA
2009- 2017 vice-president IOBC-WPRS (Int. Org. for Biological Control, West Palearctic Reg. Sect)
2016, 2015, 2011, 2007 & 2003: Member of scientific committee assessing PhD theses at SLU
2006-11: Member of the Pesticide Advisory Council of the Danish EPA
2003-10 Board Member. The Danish Society of Plant Diseases and Pests
Peer reviewed 62 papers for 26 ref. journals. Subj. ed. Encycl of the Earth 2008-11.
54 Peer-reviewed papers, 2 peer-reviewed book chapters, 35 proceedings, 16 research reports, 41 conference abstracts (listing only abstracts, which are not published as proceedings), 3 consultancy reports, 26 popular/ technical papers, 4 bibliographies.
ID: 4225466
Most downloads
Natur og biodiversitet
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Published -
Mekanisk og biologisk bekæmpelse af frostmålere, viklere og ribsbredvingemøl i økologisk solbær og ribs: Rapport for projekt gennemført med støtte fra Fonden for Økologisk Jordbrug 2011-2012
Research output: Book/Report › Report › Research
Published -
Innovation research in value chains
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research