Klaus Martiny

Klaus Martiny

Clinical Professor

Member of:

  • Psychiatry

The scientific area is clinical non-pharmacological intervention studies in affective disorders.

Leader of the NID group (Non-pharmacological Interventions in Depression).

President for Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR) 2014-2016

Member of board SLTBR 2016-

Primary fields of research

The overall scientific goal is to investigate the effect of new non-pharmacological treatment methods for depression in randomized, clinically controlled studies. Previously, the effect of sleep deprivation, pindolol, weak electromagnetic fields (PEMF), light therapy and exercise was investigated with a focus on the relationship between the circadian system, sleep, and depression.

Current research

Current investigations: (1) The effect on depression of electronic self-monitoring, implementing Circadian Reinforcement Therapy (CRT) in connection with discharge from psychiatric wards (SAFE II), (2) The effect of transcutaneous vagus earlobe stimulation, (3) The neurophysiological background for diurnal variation of depressive symptoms, (4) The effect of artificial lighting in psychiatric wards on depression and use of medications (ROOM-LIGHT) and 5) Development of lighting in the built environment using Latitude Compensated Architectural Lighting (L-CAL). Key collaborators are the Danish Building Research Institute (SBI), Department of Photonics Engineering,  Chromaviso, Center for Environmental Therapeutics (CET) in New York and Daylight Academy in Zurich, Network in SLTBR and the Danish University Antidepressant Group (DUAG)

ID: 917965