Jakob Vesterlund Olsen

Jakob Vesterlund Olsen

Senior Advisor

Jakob Vesterlund Olsen was educated from Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (MA in agricultural economics, 2004) and from University of Copenhagen (PhD in agricultural economics, 2011).

Jakob is working with agricultural economics especially with farm level analyses. His research interests are production economics, productivity analysis, investments in agriculture and policy analysis.

Jakob is participating in multiple research projects, both national and international. A large part of Jakob’s work is related to government consultancy work for Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark. Besides research he is occasionally giving guest lectures and is supervising students.

Primary fields of research

Farm level policy evaluation, production economics, productivity analysis and investments in agriculture.


Jakob is supervising agricultural economics in general and typically applied projects and/or projects with empirical data from Danish agriculture.

Possible conflicts of interest

Jakob is cooperating in externally funded projects with agricultural lobby organisations and advisory service companies within agriculture. Beyond this, he is cooperating with Danish Crown in a research project. Jakob is participating in research projects funded by non-profit NGO’s.

Jakob is chairing the assessment committee for “Promilleafgiftsfonden for Landbrug” with the purpose of making impact assessment of previously funded projects. He is receives salary for this task. 

ID: 124405237