Henrik Vlk Lütken

Henrik Vlk Lütken

Associate Professor

Research focus area

Molecular breeding of ornamentals and applied plant biology and botany in relation to horticulture.

My main area of research focuses on molecular breeding of ornamentals for the future. A major part is related to improving the quality of potted plants through the use genetic engineering to e.g. develop compact plants without the use of chemical growth retardants. In close collaboration with the ornamental plant industry in Denmark and international collaborators our research applies the use specific genes affecting plant growth control in economically important plants like Kalanchoë and Poinsettia. Furthermore, the use and development of non-GMO plant transformation platforms without the use of recombinant DNA is applied in plants like Campanula and Kalanchoë.


Another part of my research area covers the identification of new plants for the ornamental market. My main interest in respect to this area is the utilization of European plants in horticulture with starting point in the plants ecology, geo-botany and distribution. This part covers use of natural plant diversity and specific growth systems for growing wild plants in gardens e.g. alpines and primula.

ID: 4233778