Frank Søndergaard Jensen
Landscape Architecture, Planning and Society
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C
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Frank Søndergaard Jensen (FSJ) is an Outdoor Recreation specialist whose education, training and working experience has contributed to a broad knowledge of outdoor recreation research, including monitoring and questionnaire surveys. His research interest also includes values, attitudes and behaviour in relation to wildlife management.
FSJ has an extensive experience in conducting projects in Denmark regarding monitoring the use of nature areas (especially forest areas) for recreation and assessment of the general populations' preferences for different environments for recreational purposes. This experience has e.g. been utilised as a Short Term Consultant on interview surveys in Poland and as expert member of a Danish government commission on access legislation. In recent years FSJ has contributed substantially with background information for the development of the first Danish national outdoor recreation policy.
FSJ has a broad network of contacts to key people working with these topics (especially in Scandinavia, Western Europe and USA) and holds a position as chairman in IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Research Group 6.01.00 'Forest recreation'. He has been active in Scandinavian projects (e.g. ' Visitor Monitoring Methods in the Nordic and Baltic Countries '), and European co-operations like COST-actions (e.g. 'E33-Forrec') INTEREG-projects (PROGRESS) and EU-funded research projects (e.g. 'Multifor', 'Eforwood' and "DIABOLO").
ID: 4231148
Most downloads
Recreational indicators in the Danish National Forest Inventory: experiences and results
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Article in proceedings › Research
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Forvaltning af friluftsliv - 25 praktiske anvisninger
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