Long-term mortality, cardiovascular events, and bleeding in stable patients 1 year after myocardial infarction: a Danish nationwide study

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Outcomes after myocardial infarction (MI) improved during recent decades alongside better risk factor management and implementation of guideline-recommended treatments. However, it is unknown whether this applies to stable patients who are event-free 1 year after MI.

Methods and results
Using nationwide Danish registries, we included all patients with first-time MI during 2000–17 who survived 1 year free from bleeding and cardiovascular events (n = 82 108, median age 64 years, 68.2% male). Follow-up started 1 year after MI and continued through January 2022. Crude risks of mortality, cardiovascular events, and bleeding were estimated in consecutive 3-year periods. Standardized risks were calculated with respect to the distribution of age, sex, comorbidities, and treatments in the latter period. Guideline-recommended treatment use increased during the study period: e.g. statins (68.6–92.5%) and percutaneous coronary intervention (23.9–68.2%). The crude 5-year risks of outcomes decreased (all P-trend <0.001): Mortality, 18.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 17.9–19.2) to 12.5% (CI: 11.9–13.1); Recurrent MI, 7.5% (CI: 7.1–8.0) to 5.5% (CI: 5.1–6.0); Bleeding, 3.9% (CI: 3.6–4.3) to 2.7% (CI: 2.4–3.0). Crude 5-year risk of mortality in 2015–17 was as low as 2.6% for patients aged <60 years. Use of guideline-recommended treatments was associated with improved outcomes: After standardization for changes in treatments, 5-year risk of mortality in 2000–02 was 15.5% (CI: 14.9–16.2).

For patients who were event-free 1 year after MI, the long-term risks of mortality, cardiovascular events, and bleeding decreased significantly, along with an improved use of guideline-recommended treatments between 2000 and 2017. In the most recent period, 1 year after MI, the risk of additional events was lower than previously reported
TidsskriftEuropean Heart Journal
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)488–498
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2023

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