Intervention or Involvement: A Video-Based Analysis of Bouncers in Violent Interaction

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningfagfællebedømt

Research has identified bouncers as a situational risk factor for aggression in bars and clubs, and this pattern has been associated with cultural features of the bouncers’ social identity and work environment. By contrast, few studies have examined the role the interaction between bouncers and bar patrons plays in bouncers’ use of violence. To address this gap, we offer a micro-interactional analysis of violent behavior of bouncers. We observed video surveillance footage of naturally occurring barroom conflicts involving bouncers. A quantitative analysis shows that violence is relatively uncommon, and when it occurs, it is associated with interactions where bouncers are a party to the conflict, compared to situations where they intervene as a third party. Further, a visual analysis of emotional cues identifies anger as a plausible mechanism leading bouncers to practice violent aggression. Thus, adding to the situational and cultural interpretations in the literature, this study highlights interactional structures as a feature influencing the likelihood of violent bouncer behavior. In considering the implications of our study, we discuss strengths and weaknesses of applying video data analysis in bouncer studies, and consider how knowledge about the interactional routines of bouncers can inform crime prevention strategies in the nighttime economy.
StatusUdgivet - 2017
BegivenhedThe Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association - Montreal , Canada
Varighed: 12 aug. 201715 aug. 2017


KonferenceThe Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association

ID: 182551352