The AMSH3 ESCRT-III-Associated Deubiquitinase Is Essential for Plant Immunity

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Plant “nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat” receptor proteins (NLRs) detect alterations in host targets of pathogen effectors and trigger immune responses. The Arabidopsis thaliana mutant pen1 syp122 displays autoimmunity, and a mutant screen identified the deubiquitinase “associated molecule with the SH3 domain of STAM3” (AMSH3) to be required for this phenotype. AMSH3 has previously been implicated in ESCRT-mediated vacuolar targeting. Pathology experiments show that AMSH3 activity is required for immunity mediated by the CC-NLRs, RPS2 and RPM1. Co-expressing the autoactive RPM1 D505V and the catalytically inactive ESCRT-III protein SKD1 E232Q in Nicotiana benthamiana supports the requirement of ESCRT-associated functions for this CC-NLR-activated immunity. Meanwhile, loss of ESCRT function in A. thaliana is lethal, and we find that AMSH3 knockout-triggered seedling lethality is “enhanced disease susceptibility 1” (EDS1) dependent. Future studies may reveal whether AMSH3 is monitored by a TIR-NLR immunity receptor. NLR receptors are important for plant immunity as they monitor plant processes that are targeted by pathogens. Schultz-Larsen et al. find that the AMSH3 deubiquitinase enzyme is important for immunity activated by specific NLRs. Furthermore, their results suggest that AMSH3 itself is monitored by other NLRs.

TidsskriftCell Reports
Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)2329-2338.e5
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2018

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