Identification of peptide and protein doping related drug compounds confiscated in Denmark between 2007-2013

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We present an overview of protein and peptide compounds confiscated in Denmark from late 2007 till late 2013 together with a
description of a newly developed HRAM-LC-MS method used for identification. As examples of identification, we present data for the
peptides AOD-9604, [D-Ala2, Gln8, Ala15, Leu27]sermorelin and the protein follistatin. It was found that a method with minimum sample
preparation could be implemented for all of the confiscated peptides and the protein somatropin. However, for the protein follistatin it
was necessary to include trypsin digestion in the sample preparation, which considerably increases the overall analysis time.
TidsskriftScandinavian Journal of Forensic Science
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)42-49
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2014

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