Determination of beta-defensin genomic copy number in different populations: a comparison of three methods

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  • Peder Fode
  • Cathrine Jespersgaard
  • Robert J Hardwick
  • Helen Bogle
  • Theisen, Michael
  • Daniel Dodoo
  • Martin Lenicek
  • Libor Vitek
  • Ana Vieira
  • Joao Freitas
  • Paal Skytt Andersen
  • Edward J Hollox
There have been conflicting reports in the literature on association of gene copy number with disease, including CCL3L1 and HIV susceptibility, and ß-defensins and Crohn's disease. Quantification of precise gene copy numbers is important in order to define any association of gene copy number with disease. At present, real-time quantitative PCR (QPCR) is the most commonly used method to determine gene copy number, however the Paralogue Ratio Test (PRT) is being used in more and more laboratories.
TidsskriftP L o S One
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)e16768
StatusUdgivet - 2011

ID: 40245792