Paul Richard Sharp

Paul Richard Sharp

Ekstern lektor

Medlem af:

    1. 2008
    2. Udgivet

      Why globalisation might have started in the eighteenth century

      Sharp, Paul Richard, 2008

      Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationForskning

    3. 2007
    4. Udgivet

      The Cost of Ignorance: Reputational Mark-up in the Market for Tuscan Red Wines

      Persson, K. G. & Sharp, Paul Richard, 2007, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 11 s.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

    5. Udgivet

      A Malthusian Model for all Seasons: A Theoretical Approach to Labour Input and Labour Surplus in Traditional Agriculture

      Sharp, Paul Richard & Weisdorf, J. L., 2007, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 15 s.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

    6. Udgivet

      From Preventive to Permissive Checks: The Changing Nature of the Malthusian Relationship between Nuptiality and the Price of Provisions in the Nineteenth Century

      Sharp, Paul Richard & Weisdorf, J. L., 2007, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 19 s.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

    7. 2006
    8. Udgivet

      1846 and All That: The Rise and Fall of British Wheat Protection in the Nineteenth Century

      Sharp, Paul Richard, 2006, Cph.: Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 26 s.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

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    ID: 12163