Paul Richard Sharp

Paul Richard Sharp

Ekstern lektor

Medlem af:

    1. 2010
    2. Udgivet

      1846 and all that: The rise and fall of British wheat protection in the nineteenth century

      Sharp, Paul Richard, 2010, I: Agricultural History Review. 58, 1, s. 76-94 19 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    3. Udgivet

      Malta and the Nineteenth Century Grain Trade: British free trade in a microcosm of Empire?

      Sharp, Paul Richard, 2010, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 16 s.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

    4. 2009
    5. Udgivet

      Something Rational in the State of Denmark? The Case of an Outsider in the Cobden-Chevalier Network 1860-1875

      Lampe, M. & Sharp, Paul Richard, 2009, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 20 s.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

    6. Udgivet

      Malta and the Nineteenth Century Grain Trade: British free trade in a microcosm of Empire?

      Sharp, Paul Richard, 2009, I: Journal of Maltese History. 1, 2, s. 20-33 14 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    7. Udgivet

      Wheat, Globalization and Economic History

      Sharp, Paul Richard, 2009, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen. 135 s. (PhD Series; Nr. 136).

      Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandlingForskning

    8. Udgivet

      A Malthusian Model for All Seasons

      Weisdorf, J. L. & Sharp, Paul Richard, 2009, I: Economics Bulletin. 29, 2, s. 769-774 6 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    9. Udgivet

      From preventive to permissive checks: the changing nature of the Malthusian relationship between nuptiality and the price of provisions in the nineteenth century

      Weisdorf, J. L. & Sharp, Paul Richard, 2009, I: Cliometrica. 13, 1, s. 55-70 6 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    10. 2008
    11. Udgivet

      Malthus in Cointegration Space: A new look at living standards and population in pre-industrial England

      Møller, N. F. & Sharp, Paul Richard, 2008, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 33 s.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

    12. Udgivet

      Pushing Wheat: Why Supply Mattered for the American Grain Invasion of Britain in the Nineteenth Century

      Sharp, Paul Richard, 2008, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 18 s.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

    13. Udgivet

    ID: 12163