Ole Kirk

Ole Kirk

Postgraduat klinisk lektor, Klinisk lektor

Medlem af:

  • Intern medicin: infektionsmedicin

  1. 2013
  2. Udgivet

    Non-AIDS defining cancers in the D:A:D Study--time trends and predictors of survival: a cohort study

    Worm, S. W., Bower, M., Reiss, P., Bonnet, F., Law, M., Fätkenheuer, G., d'Arminio Monforte, A., Abrams, D. I., Grulich, A., Fontas, E., Kirk, Ole, Furrer, H., De Wit, S., Phillips, A., Lundgren, Jens, Sabin, C. A. & D:A:D Study Group, D. S. G., 2013, I: B M C Infectious Diseases. 13, s. 471

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  3. Udgivet

    Risk factors and outcomes for late presentation for HIV-positive persons in europe: results from the collaboration of observational HIV epidemiological research europe study (COHERE)

    Mocroft, A., Lundgren, J. D., Sabin, M. L., Monforte, A. DA., Brockmeyer, N., Casabona, J., Castagna, A., Costagliola, D., Dabis, F., De Wit, S., Fätkenheuer, G., Furrer, H., Johnson, A., Lazanas, M. K., Leport, C., Moreno, S., Obel, N., Post, F. A., Reekie, J., Reiss, P. & 12 flere, Sabin, C., Skaletz-Rorowski, A., Suarez-Lozano, I., Torti, C., Warszawski, J., Zangerle, R., Fabre-Colin, C., Kjaer, J., Chene, G., Grarup, J., Kirk, Ole & Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE) study in EuroCoord, C. O. O. H. E. R. E. (. S. I. E., 2013, I: P L o S Medicine (Online). 10, 9, s. e1001510

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  4. Udgivet

    The Incidence of AIDS-Defining Illnesses at a Current CD4 Count ≥200 Cells/µL in the Post–Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Era

    Mocroft, A., Furrer, H. J., Miro, J. M., Reiss, P., Mussini, C., Kirk, O., Abgrall, S., Ayayi, S., Bartmeyer, B., Braun, D., Castagna, A., d'Arminio Monforte, A., Gazzard, B., Gutierrez, F., Hurtado, I., Jansen, K., Meyer, L., Muñoz, P., Obel, N., Soler-Palacin, P. & 15 flere, Papadopoulos, A., Raffi, F., Ramos, J. T., Rockstroh, J. K., Salmon, D., Torti, C., Warszawski, J., de Wit, S., Zangerle, R., Fabre-Colin, C., Kjaer, J., Chene, G., Grarup, J., Lundgren, Jens & EuroCOORD, O. I. W. G. O. B. O. T. C. O. O. H. E. R. E. (. S. I., 2013, I: Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 57, 7, s. 1038-1047 10 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Atazanavir is not associated with an increased risk of cardio- or cerebrovascular disease events

    Monforte, A. D., Reiss, P., Ryom, Lene, El-Sadr, W., Dabis, F., De Wit, S., Worm, S. W., Law, M. G., Weber, R., Kirk, Ole, Pradier, C., Phillips, A. N., Lundgren, Jens & Sabin, C. A., 28 jan. 2013, I: AIDS (London, England). 27, 3, s. 407-15 9 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Health care index score and risk of death following tuberculosis diagnosis in HIV-positive patients

    Podlekareva, Daria, Grint, D., Post, F. A., Mocroft, A., Panteleev, A. M., Miller, R., Miro, J. M., Bruyand, M., Furrer, H., Riekstina, V., Girardi, E., Losso, M. H., Caylá, J. A., Malashenkov, E. A., Obel, Niels, Skrahina, A. M., Lundgren, Jens, Kirk, Ole & HIV-TB Study Group, H. S. G., feb. 2013, I: The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 17, 2, s. 198-206 9 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Severe bacterial non-aids infections in HIV-positive persons: incidence rates and risk factors

    Søgaard, O. S., Reekie, J., Ristola, M., Jevtovic, D., Karpov, I., Beniowski, M., Servitskiy, S., Domingo, P., Reiss, P., Mocroft, A. & Kirk, Ole, maj 2013, I: Journal of Infection. 66, 5, s. 439-46 8 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Association between antiretroviral exposure and renal impairment among HIV-positive persons with normal baseline renal function: The D:A:D Study

    Ryom, Lene, Mocroft, A., Kirk, Ole, Worm, S. W., Kamara, D. A., Reiss, P., Ross, M., Fux, C. A., Morlat, P., Moranne, O., Smith, C. B. & Lundgren, Jens, 1 maj 2013, I: The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 207, 9, s. 1359-69 11 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Encephalitis in primary HIV infection: challenges in diagnosis and treatment

    Helleberg, Marie & Kirk, Ole, jun. 2013, I: International Journal of S T D & A I D S. 24, 6, s. 489-93 5 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Stability of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels among interferon-naïve HIV/HCV-coinfected individuals treated with combination antiretroviral therapy

    Grint, D., Peters, L., Reekie, J., Soriano, V., Kirk, Ole, Knysz, B., Suetnov, O., Lazzarin, A., Ledergerber, B., Rockstroh, J. K., Mocroft, A. & EuroSIDA in EuroCoord (European Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Ongoing Coordination Actions Related to Clinical and Epidemiological HIV Research), E. I. E. (. C. C. F. T. I. O. O. C. A. R. T. C. A. E. H. R., jul. 2013, I: HIV Medicine. 14, 6, s. 370-8 9 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Does hepatitis C viremia or genotype predict the risk of mortality in individuals co-infected with HIV?

    Rockstroh, J. K., Peters, L., Grint, D., Soriano, V., Reiss, P., Monforte, A. D., Beniowski, M., Losso, M. H., Kirk, Ole, Kupfer, B., Mocroft, A. & EuroSIDA in EuroCoord, E. I. E., aug. 2013, I: Journal of Hepatology. 59, 2, s. 213-20 8 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Association between ALT level and the rate of cardio/cerebrovascular events in HIV-positive individuals: the D: A: D study

    Sabin, C. A., Ryom, L., Kovari, H., Kirk, Ole, de Wit, S., Law, M., Reiss, P., Dabis, F., Pradier, C., El-Sadr, W., Monforte, A. D., Kamara, D., Phillips, A. N. & Lundgren, Jens, 1 aug. 2013, I: Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999). 63, 4, s. 456-63 8 s.

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  13. Udgivet

    Advanced chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease and renal death among HIV-positive individuals in Europe

    Ryom, Lene, Kirk, Ole, Lundgren, Jens, Reiss, P., Pedersen, C., De Wit, S., Buzunova, S., Gasiorowski, J., Gatell, J. M., Mocroft, A. & EuroSIDA in EuroCoord, E. I. E., sep. 2013, I: HIV Medicine. 14, 8, s. 503-8 6 s.

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  14. Udgivet

    The incidence of AIDS-defining illnesses at a current CD4 count ≥ 200 cells/μL in the post-combination antiretroviral therapy era

    Mocroft, A., Furrer, H. J., Miro, J. M., Reiss, P., Mussini, C., Kirk, O., Abgrall, S., Ayayi, S., Bartmeyer, B., Braun, D., Castagna, A., d'Arminio Monforte, A., Gazzard, B., Gutierrez, F., Hurtado, I., Jansen, K., Meyer, L., Muñoz, P., Obel, N., Soler-Palacin, P. & 15 flere, Papadopoulos, A., Raffi, F., Ramos, J. T., Rockstroh, J. K., Salmon, D., Torti, C., Warszawski, J., de Wit, S., Zangerle, R., Fabre-Colin, C., Kjaer, J., Chene, G., Grarup, J., Lundgren, Jens & Opportunistic Infections Working Group on behalf of the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE) study in EuroCOORD, O. I. W. G. O. B. O. T. C. O. O. H. E. R. E. (. S. I. E., okt. 2013, I: Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 57, 7, s. 1038-47 10 s.

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  15. Udgivet

    Temporal changes and regional differences in treatment uptake of hepatitis C therapy in EuroSIDA

    Grint, D., Peters, L., Schwarze-Zander, C., Beniowski, M., Pradier, C., Battegay, M., Jevtovic, D., Soriano, V., Lundgren, Jens, Rockstroh, J. K., Kirk, Ole, Mocroft, A. & EuroSIDA in EuroCoord, E. I. E., nov. 2013, I: HIV Medicine. 14, 10, s. 614-23 10 s.

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ID: 917608