Marie Sandberg

Marie Sandberg

Lektor - forfremmelsesprogrammet

CV for Marie Sandberg, Associate professor, MA, PhD

Academic degrees

2009 PhD in European Ethnology, Uni­versity of Copenhagen on The Present/Absent Border. Europeanisation Processes in a Twin Town at the German-Polish Border (in Danish).

2002 MA in European Ethnology, University of Copenhagen. Awarded Gold medal of the University of Copenhagen (Guldmedaljeafhandling).

Academic Positions

2019- Director of the Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS), UCPH.

2013- Associate Professor in European Ethnology (tenure), UCPH.

2009-2013 Assistant Professor in European Ethnology, UCPH.

2007 Research Assistant, UCPH Research Priority Area “Europe in transition”

2002-2005 Amanuensis, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH.

Parental leave

2006 (12 months), 2009 (10 months).

Teaching Experience and Development

2011-2012 University Teaching Degree (Adjunktpædagogikum), UCPH.

2019- AMIS-director with responsibility for furthering the development of the international Masters’ programme in Advanced Migration Studies (45 students per cohort).

Since 2002, 1200h+ of teaching in the European Ethnology (MA and BA level), MACA and AMIS programmes, incl. supervision of +60 MA theses.

2010 Certified to teach English-medium courses, the Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use, UCPH.


2021 Visiting Associate Professor at UBC Center for Migration Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada.

2020 Senior Fellow at Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kultur-wissenschaft, University of Zürich.

2012 Visiting Fellow, Nijmegen Centre for Border Research, Radboud University, NL.

2011, 2013 Teaching Staff Mobility, Erasmus, University of Vienna, Europäische Ethnologie.

Memberships and services (a selection)

2021- SIEF president, International Society for Ethnology & Folklore

2019- IMISCOE board member (International network for migration research).

2017-2020 SIEF board member – International Society for Ethnology & Folklore.

2017-2020 Riksbanken Jubilæumsfond: Member of Assessment Committee B4 (Archaeology, Ethnology, Anthropology, History, Religion and Philosophy).

2014-2020 Editor-in-Chief Ethnologia Europaea (co-editor Regina Bendix, University of Göttingen, since 2018 with Monique Scheer, Tübingen University).

2013-2015 Member of Institutrådet for SAXO/Council of SAXO Institute, UCPH.

2013-2014 Vice-chair of Nordic Migration Research (NMR).

2012-2018 Steering board member of the Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS), Faculty of Humanities, UCPH.

2011- International Erasmus Coordinator, Ethnology, Saxo Institute.

External Funding and Research Management

2022: VELUX Foundations, HUMpraxis Program: Tillægsbevilling til Boundary work. New interfaces between state and civil society. Volunteerism and Refugees in a Self-Suffiency and Repatriation Context. Role: PI.

2021-2024 VELUX Foundations, HUMpraxis Program: Boundary work. New interfaces between state and civil society. Volunteerism and Refugees in a Self-Suffiency and Repatriation Context. Role: PI.

2020 FSE Forskningsophold i udlandet 2021: Research stay at the University of British Columbia, Canada (DFF/0166-00015B) Role: PI.

2017-2019 DFF Forskernetværk: Helping Hands - Research Network on the Everyday Border Work of European Citizens. Funded by the Danish Research Council for Independent Research (DFF/6107-00111). Role: PI. 

2018-2020 VELUX core-group: Diginauts: Migrants’ digital practices in/of the European border regime (project No. 169995). Role: co-PI.  

2017 Leading Research in a University Setting, Project management course UCPH.

2016 UCPH Puljen for Uddannelsesinitiativer: Forsknings-undervisningsintegration i praksis. PI, prof. mso Tine Damsholt. Role: Research project manager. 

2011 UCPH priority area ‘Education at its Best’: “Working migration in Europe” – a teaching-based research project. Role: PI. 

NOP-HS grant 2015, 2017, 2019 Ethnologia Europaea – Journal of European Ethnology. Role: PI.

2014 Einar Hansen’s Research Foundation: Workshop series. Role: PI.



Cand.mag, Ph.d. i Etnologi

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