Marie Louise Bech Nosch

Marie Louise Bech Nosch


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  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    ”Bohr og Nansen er omgærdet af myter og beundring”

    Nosch, Marie Louise Bech, 2023, Vitenskap, menneskerettigheter og diplomati. Fridtjof Nansen og Niels Bohr. Porsdam, H. & Lothe, J. (red.). Oslo: Novus forlag, s. 11-14 4 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    ”Matador: et konfektionseventyr”.

    Nosch, Marie Louise Bech & Holm-Jensen, K., 2023, I: Historiemagasinet Æra. s. 80-94 15 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    ”Odysseus’ garderob. En homerisk hjälte och hans kläder”

    Nosch, Marie Louise Bech, 2023, I: Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. Aarsbok. 2023, s. 87-102 15 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    PET advarer forskere om kinesiske spiontrusler

    Redder, H. & Nosch, Marie Louise Bech, 6 nov. 2023, I: Børsen. s. 16-17 2 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Sails of the Athenian Trireme

    Spantidaki, S., Flemestad, P. & Nosch, Marie Louise Bech, 2023, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018. Sessions 6 – 8, Single Contributions.. Bentz, M. & Heinzelmann, M. (red.). Propylaeum, Bind 55. s. 33-35 3 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  7. 2024
  8. E-pub ahead of print

    Textile Craft as Empowerment: Shared research and craft activities around textiles in museums

    Bang, A., Engholm, G., Lervad, Susanne, Nosch, Marie Louise Bech & Skjold, E., 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Dress. The Journal of the Costume Society of America.

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  9. Udgivet

    Narrative and Material Tools of Resistance: Mobilizing Textile Crafts, Heritage and Fashion in the Context of the Invasion of Ukraine (2022–2023)

    Berthon, M., Nosch, Marie Louise Bech, Hayda, S., Lazorenko, Y. & Krupa , T., 2024, Textile Crossroads: Exploring European Clothing, Identity, and Culture across Millennia : Anthology of COST Action “CA 19131 – EuroWeb. Zea Books, s. 339-363

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  10. Accepteret/In press

    Divinely royal: Garments of Kings and Priests in ancient Greece with comparisons from the ancient Near East and the Levant

    Nosch, Marie Louise Bech, 2024, (Accepteret/In press) Outward Appearance vs. Inward Significance: Addressing Identities through Attire in the Ancient World. Chicago University Press, Chicago

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  11. Udgivet


    Nosch, Marie Louise Bech & Wagner-Hasel, B., 2024, Starker Stoff für bunte Bilder – Textile Schätze aus Ägypten“ (29.2. bis 11.8.24). Coptic Textiles at Museum August Kestner in Hannover. Exhibition catalogue.. Hannover, s. 1 1 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    La vita quotidiana e il lavoro delle donne e dei bambini

    Nosch, Marie Louise Bech, 2024, Il regno di Aḫḫijawa. I Micenei e la Sicilia, a cura di Anita Crispino e Reinhard Jung. Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale “Paolo Orsi”, 11 maggio – 9 ottobre 2024. . Crispino, A. & Jung, R. (red.). L'Erma di Bretschneider, s. 57-62 6 s. (Bibliotheca archaeologica, Bind 81).

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ID: 13550