Mads Frederik Hovmand

Mads Frederik Hovmand

Ekstern, Seniorforsker

Medlem af:

    Mads Frederik Hovmand,


    Current affiliation: UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN, Biological Institute,

    Øster Farimagsgade 2D, Telephone: +45 20 72 06 87. E-mail:


    Position and present activities: Project Manager, Senior Scientist

    • Heavy metal inventories for the Copenhagen Municipalities
    • Working on: Input of plant nutrients and heavy metals to forest soils
    • Chemical analyses biomass and bio ash from power plants




    2013-2017: WP-responsible in “ASHBACK”-project (wood-ash back to the forest)    Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen 

    2011-2013: Self-employed consultant, affiliated to University of Copenhagen and    Aarhus University

    2005-2010: Research scientist, Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen      

    2004-2005: Self-employed consultant

    1983-2003: National Environmental Research Institute as Project Manager on       major monitoring and research projects:

    1985-2002:  Input of acid and plant nutrients to Danish forests, a part of the ICP-   Forest-EU-Level II intensive monitoring network, Project Manager on        atmospheric input to forests.

    1988-1998 “Nitrogen input to land and sea” National action plan for the environment”,         Project Manager on atmospheric input to land and Sea.

    1978-1982: Technical University of Denmark. Research scientist on the project    “Heavy metal input to agricultural soils and crops”

    1975-1977: University of Copenhagen, Denmark, PhD student on “Research of     Atmospheric heavy metal deposition and elements in soil.

    1974-1975: Technical University of Denmark, Research scientist: Research on metals             in soil.



    University of Copenhagen,

              M.S. (Biology) 1974,

              PhD. (Ecology) 1978


    Research interests:

    Research interests have for many yeas been to quantify the input of plant nutrition’s (N, Ca, K, Mg and P) as well as trace elements (including heavy metals) to the forest ecosystems.

    Element input to forests comes from atmospheric deposition (being the main in flux during the period 1950-1990), from sludge and manure and recently from the potential input from recycling of wood ash from energy production.

    I have worked with chemical analyses of soil, biomass, water, aerosols, fuel and ash for more than 30 years. 

    ID: 4845