Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen
Sektion, Animal Welfare and Disease Control
Grønnegårdsvej 8
1870 Frederiksberg C
I blandet dyrlægepraksis 1998-2000.
Tildelt ph.d. graden i Veterinær Epidemiologi i oktober 2003 baseret på afhandlingen:
"Salmonella Dublin in Dairy Cattle: use of diagnostic tests for investigation of risk factors and infection dynamics"
Adjunkt fra 2003-2006.
Diplomate i the European College of Veterinary Public Health fra december 2006.
Lektor fra 2006-2012.
Professor i infektiøs sygdomsbekæmpelse, januar-marts 2013.
Professor med særlige opgaver (PMSO) i Sygdomsbekæmpelse og forebyggelse fra april 2013.
Tildelt Dr. Med. Vet. graden i august 2013 baseret på doktorafhandlingen:
"Salmonella Dublin in cattle: epidemiology, design and evaluation of surveillance and eradication programmes"
Ansat som Professor i Veterinær Præventiv Medicin siden februar 2017.
DVM, PhD, DrVetSci, Dipl.ECVPH
ID: 4232936
Flest downloads
Salmonella Dublin in Dairy Cattle: use of diagnostic tests for investigation of risk factors and infection dynamics
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Ph.d.-afhandling › Forskning
Udgivet -
Faecal shedding probabilities in cattle with different Salmonella dublin antibody profiles
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings › Forskning
Udgivet -
Overview of pathogenesis, epidemiology and diagnostic tools necessary for successful surveillance and eradication of Salmonella Dublin from the Danish cattle population: prize assignment "Professor C.O. Jensens Mindefond"
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning