Lærke Godsk Jensbye
Sektion for Produktion, Markeder og Politik
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C
Climate action is gaining momentum, but without addressing the food sector, achieving the 1.5-degree target is unlikely. I am researching the determinants of countries' climate targets to establish likely targets for the food sector, which will inform analysis of changes in global agricultural production, especially in livestock. Additionally, I am analyzing the available emission-reducing agricultural technologies and potential climate policy linked trade policy shifts. These elements are all linked to the aim of modelling the future global agricultural production within a CGE framework.
Main research methods: Computable general equilibrium modelling, Cluster analysis
Keywords: Climate targets, MAC-curves, Agricultural CBAM, CGE
Detailed description of research elements
Climate targets:
I am attempting to understand the determinants of countries' climate targets, to enable the establishment of likely targets across countries. These emissions targets will then form the basis for the analysis of the future changes in global production patterns within the agricultural sector, paying special attention to livestock production.
Technological solutions (MAC-curves):
Reducing emissions and meeting these targets requires several types of technological solutions. I have analyzed available MAC-curve datasets and am currently working on incorporating the emission reducing technological solutions into a CGE model.
Climate policy linked trade policies:
The trade landscape will have implication for the sectoral development, within the EU new climate related trade instruments are being implemented in the form of carbon border adjustment mechanisms. These developments and their potential effects in connection with the agricultural sector is another research interest.
- Current: FutureAnimalFood
2020 - MSc in Agricultural economics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Thesis title: “The food security implications of the coronavirus pandemic: Focusing on the staple crops rice and wheat, a CGE analysis is conducted exploring the changes in food security, resulting from the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and the agrifood market trade policy responses. “
2018 - BSc Agricultural economics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Teaching Assistant and Guest lecturer: Advanced International Trade (MSc), Computational Methods for Policy Analysis in AgriFood Markets (MSc), International Economics (BSc)
Student assistant: Introductory Economics (BSc), Development Economics (BSc), Investment and Finance (BSC), International Economics (BSc), Econometrics (BSc)
ID: 212553859
Flest downloads
The global animal food market: drivers and challenges
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