Jørgen Kurtzhals

Jørgen Kurtzhals

Prodekan for uddannelse

  • Dekanatet

    Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 København N., 01 Bygning 1, Bygning: 01-2-15

    Telefon: +4535326187Mobil: +4526290039

Medlem af:

  • DRUGS team

  1. 1994
  2. Udgivet

    Dichotomy in the human CD4+ T-cell response to Leishmania parasites

    Kemp, M., Kurtzhals, Jørgen, Kharazmi, A. & Theander, Thor Grundtvig, 1994, I: Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica. 102, 2, s. 81-8 7 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Dichotomy of the human T cell response to Leishmania antigens. II. Absent or Th2-like response to gp63 and Th1-like response to lipophosphoglycan-associated protein in cells from cured visceral leishmaniasis patients

    Kurtzhals, Jørgen, Hey, A. S., Jardim, A., Kemp, M., Schaefer, K. U., Odera, E. O., Christensen, C. B., Githure, J. I., Olafson, R. W. & Theander, Thor Grundtvig, 1994, I: Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 96, 3, s. 416-21 5 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Dichotomy of the human T cell response to Leishmania antigens. I. Th1-like response to Leishmania major promastigote antigens in individuals recovered from cutaneous leishmaniasis

    Kemp, M., Hey, A. S., Kurtzhals, Jørgen, Christensen, C. B., Gaafar, A., Mustafa, M. D., Kordofani, A. A., Ismail, A., Kharazmi, A. & Theander, Thor Grundtvig, 1994, I: Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 96, 3, s. 410-5 5 s.

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