Jens Bangsbo

Jens Bangsbo

Centerleder, professor, Professor

  1. Udgivet

    Fitness effects of 10-month frequent low-volume ball game training or interval running for 8-10-year-old school children

    Larsen, M. N., Nielsen, C. M., Ørntoft, C. Ø., Randers, M. B., Helge, Eva Wulff, Madsen, M., Manniche, V., Hansen, L., Hansen, Peter Riis, Bangsbo, Jens & Krustrup, P., 2017, I: BioMed Research International. 2017, 9 s., 2719752.

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  2. Udgivet

    Leg vascular and skeletal muscle mitochondrial adaptations to aerobic high-intensity exercise training are enhanced in the early postmenopausal phase

    Nyberg, M. P., Egelund, J., djc739, djc739, Roland, Caroline Borup, Hansen, K. M. B. E., Hergel, I. F., Valbak-Andersen, N., Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth, Stallknecht, Bente Merete, Bangsbo, Jens & Hellsten, Ylva, 2017, I: Journal of Physiology. 595, 9, s. 2969-2983 15 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Limitations in intense exercise performance of athletes - effect of speed endurance training on ion handling and fatigue development

    Hostrup, Morten & Bangsbo, Jens, 2017, I: Journal of Physiology. 595, 9, s. 2897-2913 17 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

  4. Udgivet

    PGC-1α and exercise intensity dependent adaptations in mouse skeletal muscle

    Brandt, N., Dethlefsen, M. M., Bangsbo, Jens & Pilegaard, Henriette, 2017, I: P L o S One. 12, 10, 21 s., e0185993.

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  5. Udgivet

    Physical fitness and body composition in 8-10-year-old Danish children are associated with sports club participation

    Larsen, M. N., Nielsen, C. M., Ørntoft, C. Ø., Randers, M. B., Manniche, V., Hansen, L., Hansen, Peter Riis, Bangsbo, Jens & Krustrup, P., 2017, I: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 31, 12, s. 3425-3434 10 s.

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  6. Afsendt

    Regulation of Na+,K+-ATPase isoforms and phospholemman (FXYD1) in skeletal muscle fibre types by exercise training and cold-water immersion in men

    Christiansen, D., Murphy, R. M., Broach, J. R., Bangsbo, Jens, McKenna, M. J. & Bishop, D. J., 16 jun. 2017, (Afsendt) bioRxiv, 33 s.

    Publikation: Working paperPreprintForskning

  7. Udgivet

    Science and Football VIII: The Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Science and Football

    Bangsbo, Jens (red.), Krustrup, P. (red.), Hansen, P. R. (red.), Ottesen, Laila Susanne (red.), Pfister, G. U. (red.) & Elbe, A. (red.), 2017, London: Routledge. 238 s.

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportAntologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  8. Udgivet

    The application of the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery tests to the soccer population

    Bangsbo, Jens & Fiorenza, M., 2017, Science and Football VIII: The Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Science and Football. Bangsbo, J., Krustrup, P., Hansen, P. R., Ottesen, L., Pfister, G. & Elbe, A-M. (red.). London: Routledge, s. 13-29 17 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  9. Udgivet

    The effect of floorball training on health status, psychological health and social capital in older men

    Wikman, J. M., Nistrup, A., Vorup Petersen, J., Pedersen, Mogens Theisen, Melcher, Pia Grethe Sandfeld, Bangsbo, Jens & Pfister, G. U., 2017, I: AIMS Public Health. 4, 4, s. 364-382 19 s.

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