Jan Komárek

Jan Komárek


Medlem af:

    1. 2023
    2. Udgivet

      Conclusion: Making ‘the Other’ Explicit

      Komárek, Jan, 2023, European Constitutional Imaginaries Between Ideology and Utopia. Komárek, J. (red.). Oxford University Press, s. 378-380 3 s.

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    3. Udgivet

      European Constitutional Imaginaries: Utopias, Ideologies, and the Other

      Komárek, Jan, 2023, European Constitutional Imaginaries: Between Ideology and Utopia. Komárek, J. (red.). Oxford University Press, s. 1-17 17 s.

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    4. Udgivet

      Why Read The Transformation of Europe Today? On the Limits of a Liberal Constitutional Imaginary

      Komárek, Jan, 2023, European Constitutional Imaginaries: Between Ideology and Utopia. Komárek, J. (red.). Oxford University Press, s. 119-146 28 s.

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    5. 2020
    6. Udgivet

      Judicial Legitimacy in the European Union

      Komárek, Jan, 2020, New Legal Approaches to Studying the Court of Justice: Revisiting Law in Context. Kilpatrick, C. & Scott, J. (red.). Oxford University Press, (The collected courses of the Academy of European Law; Nr. 1, Bind XXVIII).

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    7. 2018
    8. Udgivet

      EU citizens’ duties: preventing barriers to the exercise of citizens’ rights

      Komárek, Jan, 2018, Reconsidering EU Citizenship: Contradictions and Constraints. Seubert, S., Eberl, O. & van Waarden, F. (red.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 64-86 23 s. (Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship series).

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    9. Udgivet

      The Struggle for Legitimacy through Law in the EU

      Komárek, Jan, 2018, A New Narrative for a New Europe. Innerarity, D., White, J., C. A. & Errasti, A. (red.). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, s. 143-159 17 s.

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    10. 2015
    11. Udgivet

      Legal Reasoning in EU Law

      Komárek, Jan, 2015, The Oxford Handbook of EU Law. Arnull, A. & Chalmers, D. (red.). Oxford University Press, s. 28-51

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    12. Udgivet

      Playing with Matches: The Czech Constitutional Court’s Ultra Vires Revolution

      Komárek, Jan, 2015, Krise and Konstitutionalisieriung in Europa. Steinbeis, M., Kemmerer, A. & Möllers, C. (red.). Baden Baden: Nomos, s. 101-107

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    13. Udgivet

      The EU is More Than a Constraint on Populist Democracy

      Komárek, Jan, 2015, Gebändighte Macht: Verfassung im europäischen Nationalstaat. Steinbeis, M., Kemmerer, A. & Möllers, C. (red.). Baden Baden: Nomos, s. 247-252

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    14. Udgivet

      Why National Constitutional Courts Should Not Embrace EU Fundamental Rights

      Komárek, Jan, 2015, The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument. Weatherill, S., de Vries, S. & Bernitz, U. (red.). Hart, s. 75-92

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