Jacob Gerner Hariri

Jacob Gerner Hariri


  1. 2024
  2. Udgivet

    The Deep Roots of Modern Democracy: Geography and the Diffusion of Political Institutions by John Gerring, Brendan Apfeld, Tore Wig, and Andreas Forø Tollefsen

    Hariri, Jacob Gerner, 2024, I: Political Science Quarterly. 139, 1, s. 124-126

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  3. 2023
  4. Udgivet

    Jumping the gun: how dictators got ahead of their subjects

    Wingender, Asger Mose & Hariri, Jacob Gerner, feb. 2023, I: The Economic Journal. 133, 650, s. 728-760

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  5. Afsendt

    Arms Technology and the Coercive Imbalance Outside Western Europe: Invitation to resubmit at the AJPS

    Hariri, Jacob Gerner, 2023, (Afsendt) I: American Journal of Political Science.

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  6. Udgivet

    The Cost of Voting and the Cost of Votes

    Woller, A., Justesen, M. K. & Hariri, Jacob Gerner, 2023, I: The Journal of Politics. 85, 2, s. 593-608

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  7. 2022
  8. Udgivet

    The Dark Side of the Reformation: State-Building in the Age of Religious Competition

    Cappelen, C. & Hariri, Jacob Gerner, 2022, I: SSRN: Social Science Research Network . 49 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Tracing the Origins of the Early Modern State: Introducing the Castles Data

    Cappelen, C. & Hariri, Jacob Gerner, 2022, I: SSRN: Social Science Research Network . 72 s.

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  10. 2020
  11. Udgivet

    Middle Class Without a Net: Savings, Financial Fragility, and Preferences Over Social Insurance

    Hariri, Jacob Gerner, Jensen, Amalie Sofie & Lassen, David Dreyer, 1 maj 2020, I: Comparative Political Studies. 53, 6, s. 892-922

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  12. Udgivet

    Ny forskning: Selv under coronakrisen passer danskerne på deres demokratiske rettigheder

    Dinesen, Peter Thisted, Sønderskov, K. M., Wæver, Ole & Hariri, Jacob Gerner, 10 apr. 2020, I: Berlingske Tidende.

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  13. 2019
  14. Udgivet

    Power and Persistence: The Indigenous Roots of Representative Democracy

    Bentzen, Jeanet Sinding, Hariri, Jacob Gerner & Robinson, J. A., 1 feb. 2019, I: The Economic Journal. 129, 618, s. 678-714

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  15. 2017
  16. Udgivet

    Den europæiske kolonisering og dens konsekvenser

    Hariri, Jacob Gerner, 2017, Introduktion til komparativ politik. Nielsen, J. H., Seeberg, M. & Tolstrup, J. (red.). Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 47-72 26 s.

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