Ian Henry Lambert

Ian Henry Lambert

Lektor emeritus

Primære forskningsområder

Fokuspunkter for forskningen:

Taurinhomeostase i native/carcinome/multidrug resistente celler - karakterisering af energikrævende (TauT) og passive (VSOAC) transportsystemer for taurin


Intracellulære signalstoffer / enzymer involveret i aktivering og modulering af taurintransporterende systemers aktivitet


Fysiologiske processer (oxidative processer, celledød, metabolisme), der påvirkes af ændringer i det cellulære taurinindhold


Læs mere på Tauringruppens hjemmeside: https://www1.bio.ku.dk/forskning/cu/cf/taurin/

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

  • Biokemi (Bachelor-niveau).
  • Cellebiology (Bachelor- og kandidat-niveau).
  • Molekylær Biomedicin (Bachelor-niveau).
  • Experimentielt kursus i Cellebiologi og Fysiologi (Kandidat-niveau).


Aktuel forskning

Regulation of the cellular content of the organic osmolyte taurine.

Taurine, present in high concentrations in various mammalian cells, is essential for regulation of cell volume, cellular oxidative status as well as the cellular Ca2+ homeostasis. We have a longstanding record of pursuing central mechanisms of taurine biology, and our current focus is on (i) short-term/long-term regulation of the expression, subcellular localisation and activity of the active taurine uptake system TauT, (ii) characterization of the intracellular signalling cascades/second messenger systems involved in the activation and modulation of the volume-sensitive taurine release pathway, and (iii) characterization of intracellular processes that are affected by modulation of the cellular taurine concentration.


Forskning - http://www2.imbf.ku.dk/CellSignalling/IHLambert/

Opdræt af Shetlandponyer - http://www.abildore.dk/

ID: 5814