Claire Maxwell

Claire Maxwell


Medlem af:

    1. 2019
    2. Udgivet

      Stratification and conflict: seeking understanding and spaces for optimism

      Maxwell, Claire, 1 nov. 2019, I: International Journal of Educational Development. 71, 2 s., 102121.

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    3. Udgivet

      The plurality of the Global Middle Class(es) and their school choices: moving the ‘field’ forward empirically and theoretically

      Maxwell, Claire, Yemini, M., Koh, A. & Agbaria, A., 3 sep. 2019, I: Discourse. 40, 5, s. 609-615

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    4. Udgivet

      How does mobility shape parental strategies: a case of the Israeli global middle class and their 'immobile' peers in Tel Aviv

      Yemini, M., Maxwell, Claire & Mizrachi, M., 27 maj 2019, I: Globalisation, Societies and Education. 17, 3, s. 324-338

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    5. Udgivet

      Israeli teachers make sense of global citizenship education in a divided society- religion, marginalisation and economic globalisation

      Goren, H., Maxwell, Claire & Yemini, M., 3 apr. 2019, I: Comparative Education. 55, 2, s. 243-263

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    6. Udgivet

      Modalities of cosmopolitanism and mobility: parental education strategies of global, immigrant and local middle-class Israelis

      Maxwell, Claire & Yemini, M., 24 jan. 2019, I: Discourse. 2019, 5, s. 616-632

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    7. Udgivet

      'Glocalisation’ doctrine in the Israeli public education system: A contextual analysis of a policy-making process

      Dvir, Y., Maxwell, Claire & Yemini, M., 1 jan. 2019, I: Education Policy Analysis Archives. 27, 124, s. 1-22

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    ID: 201662750