Claire Maxwell

Claire Maxwell


Medlem af:

    1. 2022
    2. Udgivet

      The COVID-19 pandemic and the reconstitution of education

      Engel, L., Maxwell, Claire & Yemini, M., 2022, I: International Studies in Sociology of Education. 31, 4, s. 397-400 4 s.

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    3. Udgivet

      The Rise of External Actors in Education: Shifting Boundaries Globally and Locally

      Lubienski, C. (red.), Yemini, M. (red.) & Maxwell, Claire (red.), 2022, Bristol: Bristol University Press. 242 s.

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    4. 2021
    5. Udgivet

      Multiple theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding 'international education'

      Maxwell, Claire, Yemini, M., Engel, L. & Koh, A., 3 jul. 2021, I: International Studies in Sociology of Education. 30, 3, s. 237-240 4 s.

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    6. Udgivet

      ‘Cosmopolitan start-up’ capital: mobility and school choices of global middle class parents

      Beech, J., Koh, A., Maxwell, Claire, Yemini, M., Tucker, K. & Barrenechea, I., 11 jan. 2021, I: Cambridge Journal of Education. 51, 4, s. 527-541

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    7. Udgivet

      East meets West: cultural negotiations between parents and staff at a Taiwanese elite school

      Howard, A. & Maxwell, Claire, 2021, I: Multicultural Education Review. 13, 2, s. 109-127

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    8. Udgivet

      Education and social mobility: possibilities, reproductive structures, discourse and materiality

      Engel, L., Maxwell, Claire, Yemini, M. & Koh, A., 2021, I: International Studies in Sociology of Education. 30, 4, s. 359-361

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    9. Udgivet

      Elite girls' 21st century schooling in Scotland: Habitus clivé in a shifting landscape

      Forbes, J., Maxwell, Claire & McCartney, E., 2021, I: British Journal of Educational Studies. 69, 3, s. 287-306

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    10. Udgivet

      Mobilities of policy and mobile parents: creating a new dynamic in policy borrowing within state schooling

      Yemini, M. & Maxwell, Claire, 2021, I: Globalisation, Societies and Education. 19, 1, s. 70-80

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    11. Udgivet

      Nurturing Mobilities: Family Travel in the 21st Century

      Maxwell, Claire, Yemini, M. & Bach, K. M., 2021, New York: Routledge. 148 s.

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    12. 2020
    13. Udgivet

      Mobile Nationalism: Parenting and Articulations of Belonging among Globally Mobile Professionals

      Yemini, M., Maxwell, Claire, Koh, A., Tucker, K., Barrenechea, I. & Beech, J., dec. 2020, I: Sociology. 54, 6, s. 1212-1229

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