Christina Schnohr Svensson

Christina Schnohr Svensson

Ekstern lektor

Medlem af:



    Navn: Christina Warrer Schnohr

    Stilling: Konsulent, adjunkt, cand.scient.san.publ., ph.d.

    Privatadresse: Østerbrogade, 2100 København Ø

    Telefon: 28 23 37 75


    Født: 29.01.75

    Sprog: Dansk, svensk, engelsk



    • November 2016: Ekstern lektor, forskningskoordinator, Afdeling for Social Medicin, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab.
    • Oktober 2011: Adjunkt, Afdeling for Social Medicin, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.
    • Juni 2011: Videnskabelig konsulent, MotionDANMARK, Dansk Atletik Forbund, Idrættens Hus, Brøndby.
    • Juni 2011-september 2011: Konsulent, Center for Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling, Region Midtjylland.
    • August 2010-juni 2011: Konsulent, evalueringsmedarbejder, Departementet for Sociale Anliggender, Grønlands Selvstyre
    • Januar 2010-februar 2011: Adjunkt, Afdeling for Samfundsvidenskab, Grønlands Universitet
    • December 2009: Ph.d. i sundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.
    • August 2004: Ph.d.-studerende, Afdeling for Social Medicin
    • Marts 2004: Forskningsassistent, Afdeling for Social Medicin
    • Februar 2004: Kandidat i folkesundhedsvidenskab (cand.scient.san.publ.), Afdeling for Social Medicin, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.
    • 2006: Deputy Principal Investigator HBSC Greenland (landsdækkende spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt skolebørn).

    Barselsorlov: November 2004 til august 2005 og maj 2007 til april 2008.


    Videnskabelige artikler:

    1. Torsheim T, Cavallo F, Levin KA, Schnohr C, Mazur J, Niclasen B et al.: Psychometric Validation of the Revised Family Affluence Scale: a Latent Variable Approach. Child Indic Res 2016, 9: 771-784.

    2. Schnohr CW, Gobina I, Santos T, Mazur J, Alikasifuglu M, Valimaa R et al.: Semantics bias in cross-national comparative analyses: is it good or bad to have "fair" health? Health Qual Life Outcomes 2016, 14: 70.

    3. Kure-Biegel N, Schnohr CW, Hindhede AL, Diderichsen F: Risk factors for not completing health interventions and the potential impact on health inequalities between educational groups - a mixed method study from Denmark. Int J Equity Health 2016, 15: 54.

    4. Pfortner TK, Hublet A, Schnohr CW, Rathmann K, Moor I, de LM et al.: Socioeconomic inequalities in the impact of tobacco control policies on adolescent smoking. A multilevel study in 29 European countries. Addict Behav 2016, 53: 58-66.

    5. Schnohr CW, Keiding H, Grynderup MB, Hansen AM, Hogh A: How to Improve Your Paper With a Cost of Illness Analysis: Providing an Example on Bullying Among Social Care Workers in Elder Care. J Occup Environ Med 2015, 57: e64.

    6. Schnohr CW, Molcho M, Rasmussen M, Samdal O, de LM, Levin K et al.: Trend analyses in the health behaviour in school-aged children study: methodological considerations and recommendations. Eur J Public Health 2015, 25 Suppl 2: 7-12.

    7. Makransky G, Schnohr CW, Torsheim T, Currie C: Equating the HBSC Family Affluence Scale across survey years: a method to account for item parameter drift using the Rasch model. Qual Life Res 2014, 23: 2899-2907.

    8. Niclasen B, Petzold M, Schnohr CW: Adverse health effects of experiencing food insecurity among Greenlandic school children. Int J Circumpolar Health 2013, 72.

    9. Elgar FJ, De CB, Schnohr CW, Bird P, Pickett KE, Torsheim T et al.: Absolute and relative family affluence and psychosomatic symptoms in adolescents. Soc Sci Med 2013, 91: 25-31.

    10. Niclasen B, Molcho M, Arnfjord S, Schnohr C: Conceptualizing and contextualizing food insecurity among Greenlandic children. Int J Circumpolar Health 2013, 72: 19928.

    11. Niclasen B, Petzold M, Schnohr CW: The association between high recreational physical activity and physical activity as a part of daily living in adolescents and availability of local indoor sports facilities and sports clubs. Scand J Public Health 2012, 40: 614-620.

    12. Levin KA, Torsheim T, Vollebergh W, Richter M, Davies CA, Schnohr CW et al.: National Income and Income Inequality, Family Affluence and Life Satisfaction Among 13 year Old Boys and Girls: A Multilevel Study in 35 Countries. Soc Indic Res 2011, 104: 179-194.

    13. Niclasen B, Rasmussen M, Borup I, Schnohr C: The intake of fruit and sweets in rural and urban Greenland--development from 1994 to 2006. Int J Circumpolar Health 2011, 70: 186-194.

    14. Schnohr CW: [The gastrointestinal system's association with autism]. Ugeskr Laeger 2011, 173: 581-583.

    15. Schnohr CW: [Is milk healthy because there is no contrary evidence?]. Ugeskr Laeger 2011, 173: 296.

    16. Schnohr CW: [The milk report lacks certain "good epidemiologic practice"]. Ugeskr Laeger 2011, 173: 145.

    17. Torsheim T, Eriksson L, Schnohr CW, Hansen F, Bjarnason T, Valimaa R: Screen-based activities and physical complaints among adolescents from the Nordic countries. BMC Public Health 2010, 10: 324.

    18. Niclasen B, Schnohr CW: Greenlandic schoolchildren's compliance with national dietary guidelines. Public Health Nutr 2010, 13: 1162-1169.

    19. Erhart M, Ottova V, Gaspar T, Jericek H, Schnohr C, Alikasifoglu M et al.: Measuring mental health and well-being of school-children in 15 European countries using the KIDSCREEN-10 Index. Int J Public Health 2009, 54 Suppl 2: 160-166.

    20. Roberts C, Freeman J, Samdal O, Schnohr CW, de Looze ME, Nic GS et al.: The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: methodological developments and current tensions. Int J Public Health 2009, 54 Suppl 2: 140-150.

    21. Schnohr CW, Kreiner S, Rasmussen M, Due P, Diderichsen F: School-related mediators in social inequalities in smoking: a comparative cross-sectional study of 20,399 adolescents. Int J Equity Health 2009, 8: 17.

    22. Vindfeld S, Schnohr C, Niclasen B: Trends in physical activity in Greenlandic schoolchildren, 1994-2006. Int J Circumpolar Health 2009, 68: 42-52.

    23. Niclasen B, Schnohr C: Has the curve been broken? Trends between 1994 and 2006 in smoking and alcohol use among Greenlandic school children. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008, 67: 299-307.

    24. Schnohr CW, Petersen JH, Niclasen BV: Onset of overweight in Nuuk, Greenland: a retrospective cohort study of children from 1973 to 1992. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2008, 16: 2734-2738.

    25. Schnohr CW, Kreiner S, Rasmussen M, Due P, Currie C, Diderichsen F: The role of national policies intended to regulate adolescent smoking in explaining the prevalence of daily smoking: a study of adolescents from 27 European countries. Addiction 2008, 103: 824-831.

    26. Schnohr C, Kreiner S, Due P, Currie C, Boyce W, Diderichsen F: Differential Item Functioning of a Family Affluence Scale: Validation study on data from HBSC 2001/02. Social Indicators Research 2008, 89: 3119-3126.
    27. Schnohr C, Niclasen BV: Bullying among Greenlandic schoolchildren: development since 1994 and relations to health and health behaviour. Int J Circumpolar Health 2006, 65: 305-312.

    28. Niclasen BV, Petzold MG, Schnohr C: Overweight and obesity at school entry as predictor of overweight in adolescence in an Arctic child population. Eur J Public Health 2007, 17: 17-20.

    29. Schnohr C, Sorensen TI, Niclasen BV: Changes since 1980 in body mass index and the prevalence of overweight among inschooling children in Nuuk, Greenland. Int J Circumpolar Health 2005, 64: 157-162.

    30. Schnohr C, Pedersen JM, Alcon MC, Curtis T, Bjerregaard P: Trends in the dietary patterns and prevalence of obesity among Greenlandic school children. Int J Circumpolar Health 2004, 63 Suppl 2: 261-264.

    31. Schnohr C, Hojbjerre L, Riegels M, Ledet L, Larsen T, Schultz-Larsen K et al.: Does educational level influence the effects of smoking, alcohol, physical activity, and obesity on mortality? A prospective population study. Scand J Public Health 2004, 32: 250-256.

    32. Schnohr C. ”Brystopereredes livskvalitet” Faglig Information, Sygeplejersken 21/2003.



    Schnohr CW. “Measuring and understanding social inequalities in daily smoking among adolescents”. PhD-thesis, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, 2009. Består af artikel 21, 25 og 26.


    Videnskabelige og sundhedsfaglige rapporter:

    • Schnohr C, Niclasen B, Pedersen J M. “Sundhed og helbred hos skolebørn i Grønland fra 1994 til 2002”. Inussuk-rapport. 2004:II. Nuuk.
    • Niclasen B, Løngaard K, Laursen L, Schnohr C. ”Sundhed på Toppen”. Inussuk, 2007:I. Nuuk.
    • Birgit Niclasen (red.). "Trivsel og sundhed blandt folkeskoleelever i Grønland". SIF's Grønlandsskrifter nr. 27. 2014.
    • Schnohr C., Nielsen S L, Wulff S. ”Børnefattigdom i Grønland – en statistik analyse af indkomstdata for husstande med børn”. Børns Levestandard I Grønland – del 2. Videncenter om Børn og Unge, Nuuk. 2007.
    • Ravens-Sieberer U, Torsheim T, Ottova V, Mazur J, Schnohr C, Välinäa R, van Dorselaar S, Vollebergh W. II.4: Health and Well-being, In: Scientific rationale for Focus Areas. HBSC Protocol for the 2009/10 Survey. WHO 2009.
    • Schnohr CW. III.3: Piloting. In: Survey Conduction. HBSC Protocol for the 2009/10 Survey. WHO 2009 (bidraget til III.1: Seventeen steps for conducting the HBSC-survey, III.2: Survey instrument, III.4: Ethical principles and procedures, III.6: Fieldwork and III.7: Data management).
    • Niclasen B, Arnfjord S, Nielsen L, Nielausen M K, Pedersen C P, Dahl-Pedersen I, Schnohr CW. “Folkesundhed blandt skolebørn – resultater fra HBSC Greenland 2010”. Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, Syddansk Universitet, (udkommer efterår 2011).
    • Schnohr CW. ”Evaluering af familiecentre 2010/2011 og Familiecenterguide”. Rapport udgivet af Departementet for Familie, Kultur, Kirke og Ligestilling. Grønlands Selvstyre. Oktober 2011.
    • Ankersen PV, Poulsen S, Schnohr C, Nielsen AL, Hjortbak MR, Larsen FB. ”Hvordan har du det? 2010. Sundhedsprofil for region og kommuner – unge”. Aarhus: Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling, 2011.
    • Schnohr CW, Arnfjord SC. ”Evaluering af socialt arbejde”. Rapport udgivet af Departementet for Familie, Kultur, Kirke og Ligestilling. Grønlands Selvstyre. Ultimo 2011.
    • Ankersen P, Poulsen S, Schnohr C, Nielsen AL, Hjortbak MR, Larsen FB. ”Hvordan har du det? 2010. Sundhedsprofil for Regioner og kommuner – unge”. Aarhus: Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling, 2011.


    cand. scient. san. publ.

    ID: 13165