Feminists at Work: Diversity, Complaint, Institutions - Open lecture by honorary doctor Sara Ahmed

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus

Sofie Jeholm - Deltager

We come to know about worlds from our efforts to transform them. Sara Ahmed, who is to be appointed as honorary doctor at the Faculty of Culture and Society, will give this open lecture, exploring how being a feminist at work requires working on institutions. She will draw on empirical research into diversity, racism and complaint within universities. The lecture will discuss strategies and tactics for challenging power within and beyond the academy with specific reference to the figure of the 'feminist killjoy' and the formation of 'complaint collectives.'
17 okt. 2019


AndetFeminists at Work: Diversity, Complaint, Institutions - Open lecture by honorary doctor Sara Ahmed
AfholdelsesstedMalmö Universitet

ID: 228854317