Susanne Lunn

Susanne Lunn

Associate Professor Emerita

Research fields

  • Clinical, empirical and theoretical research in eating disorders (Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa and Obesity
  • Nomothetic and ideographic psychotherapy research
  • History of clinical psychology at KU and of specific clinical diagnoses (eating disorders)
  • Theoretical, empirical and case-based psychoanalytic research


Research group menberships


Research: brief description

Susanne Lunn is associate professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen. Her research focuses primarily on eating disorders and psychotherapy research. Her research on eating disorders includes a theoretical, clinical as well and an empirical approach. Special foci for her eating disorder research are personality characteristics, psychopathology and the development of eating disorders. Her psychotherapy research centers on effect as well as on process research:  1) on the contribution of different kinds of psychotherapies on the recovery of eating disorders,  2) on non-specific factors such as therapist and clients characteristics (e.g., motivation and attachment patterns,  and 3) on therapy relational patterns, e.g., the therapeutic alliance and therapist countertransference feelings. Her research supports the hypothesis that one specific therapy does not suit all, which indicates that the research question “which method is the best” must always be supplemented by the question “”what works for whom”. Her methodological approach is both nomothetic and ideographic. A special interest of hers is related to how different kinds of methods, quantitative as well as qualitative, can contribute with different kinds of results and knowledge at different levels.

Susanne Lunn’s research is carried out in close collaboration with colleagues in Center for Psychotherapy Research. Every year, the group participates and presents their results at the International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, and in 2014 they hosted and organized the meeting.

Susanne Lunn’s research is currently supported by the KU 2016 programme for interdisciplinary research which funds 1 Ph.D. (link to

The bulimia trial research group has just applied for a FKK reseach project 2 with the title: Therapist Responsiveness to Clients: Potentials and Pitfalls.


Link to Google Scholar profile:


Link to researchgate profile:


Current research projects

  • The Copenhagen Bulimia trial: Client drop-outs and “failures” in cognitive and psychoanalytic psychotherapy for bulimia
  • Identification of psycho-social factors that may contribute to promoting and maintaining weight loss after surgery or constitute risk factors for poor weight loss or weight regain
  • History of the eating disorder diagnoses
  • Therapist responsiveness to clients – a project in its upstart


Major Grants

2014: KU 2016, Governing obesity, (DKK, 750,000)

2002: The Egmont Fund, (DKK1,000,000)

2001: Danish Research Council for the Humanities, (DKK 2,138,000)



  • Bachelor course
  • Master courses and lectures in clinical psychology
  • Master theses supervisions
  • PhD supervisions
  • PhD course in research ethics


Selected publications

Journal articles peer reviewed      

Folke, S., Daniel, S.I.F., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (in press). Client attachment security predicts alliance in a randomized controlled trial of two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa. Psychotherapy Research. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2015.1027319.

*Pedersen, S.H., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (2015). Eating disorders and mentalization. High reflective functioning in patients suffering from bulimia nervosa. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 63, 671-694.

Mathiesen, B. B., Pedersen, S.H., Sandros, C., Katznelson, H., Wilczek, A., Poulsen, S. and Lunn, S. (2015). Psychodynamic profile and reflective functioning in patients with bulimia nervosa. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 62, 20-26.

*Daniel, S. I. F., Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2015). Client Attachment and Therapist Feelings in the

Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. Psychotherapy, 52(2), 247-257.

Pedersen, S.H., Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2014). Affect regulation: Holding, containing and

mirroring. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 95, 843–864. DOI: 10.1111/1745-8315.12205.

*Poulsen, S., Lunn, S. & Daniel, S.I.F., Folke, S., Mathiesen, B.B., Katznelson, H. & Fairburn, C.G. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy for bulimia nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171, 109-116.

Poulsen, S. B., & Lunn, S. (2014). Response to Tasca, Hilsenroth and Thompson-Brenner. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(5), 584.

Pedersen, S. H., Lunn, S., Katznelson, H., & Poulsen, S. (2013). Reflective functioning in 70 patients suffering from bulimia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review, 20(4), 303-310.

*Lunn, S., Poulsen, S. & Daniel, S. (2012). Subtypes in bulimia nervosa: The role of eating disorder symptomatology, negative affect, and interpersonal relations. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 53, 1078-1087.

*Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2012). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa: A manualized Approach. Int. J. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 26(1), 48-64.

*Lunn, S., Poulsen, S. & Daniel, S. (2012). A multiple case study of psychoanalytic therapies with good and poor outcome in clients with bulimia nervosa. Nordic Psychology, 64(2), 87–102.

Lunn, S. & Wagtmann, M.-A.(2011). Letter from Copenhagen. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 92(1), 1-4.

Poulsen, S. Lunn, S., & Sandros, C. (2010). Client experience of psychodynamic psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa: An interview study. Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 47(4), 469-483.

Lunn, S. (2010). Universitets Psykologiske Klinik. Rids af den historie udvikling, anno 2010. [The University Clinic, An outline of the historical development].  Psyke & Logos, 31, 521-530.

Pedersen, S.H., Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2010). Affektregulering, holding, containment og spejling. [Affectregulation, holding, containment and mirroring]. Psyke & Logos, 31, 552-576.

Lunn, S. (2006). Freuds betydning for psykiatrien og den kliniske psykologi. Psyke og Logos, 27:


Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2005): Spiseforstyrrelser i et afhængighedsperspektiv. Psyke & Logos, 26(1): 43-58.

*Lunn, S. (2002). The psychoanalytic room. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review; 25: 135-142.

*Skydsbjerg, M., Lunn, S., Hutchings, B. (2001). Psychosocial aspects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection in a pre-haart sample. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2001; 42: 327-335.

Lunn, S. (1999). Forskning i psykoterapi og psykoterapi som forskning. Matrix - Nordisk Tidsskrift for Psykoterapi,16: 289-304

Lunn, S. (1999). Sundhedens anoreksi og sygdommens. Agrippa, 20:112-123.

Lunn, S. (1995). Anorexia Nervosa - en oversigt. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning, sep. 1995: 1115-22.

*Lunn, S., Skydsbjerg, M., Schulsinger, H., Parnas, J., Pedersen, C., Mathiesen, L. (1991): Neuropsychological Seque­lae of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).  Archives of General Psychiatry, 48: 139-142.

Lunn, S. (1991) Diagnostik og beskrivelse af de to spiseforstyrrelser anoreksi og bulimi. Agrippa, 13: 159-171.  

Lunn, S. (1990). Individual psychotherapeutic treatment of Anorexia Nervosa.  Acta Psychiatr Scand (suppl), 82: 23-28.

Lunn, S. (1989). Anorexia Nervosa, Personality and Treatment.  Psy­chi­atrie Pratiqe du

Medecin, 59: 3‑7.

Lunn, S. (1989). Anorexia Nervosa.  Psyke & Logos, 10: 387‑394.

Lunn, S. (1988). Forholdet mellem anorexi og bulimi.  Nordisk Psyki­atrisk Tidsskrift, 42(5): 399‑403. 

Lunn, S. (1987). Anorexia nervosa ‑ diagnostiske overvejelserAg­rippa, 9(4): 234‑245.


Monographs, peer reviewed

Lunn, K. Rokkedal & B. Rosenbaum (red.)(2010). Frås og fase – spiseforstyrrelser i klinisk og kulturel belysning. [Gluttony and asceticism - eating disorders from a clinical and cultural perspective]. København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.

S. Lunn (red.) (2010). Fra kromosomer til metaforerKlinisk psykologi i spændingsfeltet mellem humaniora og naturvidenskab. [From chromosomes to metaphors - Cinical psychology in between the humanities and science]. København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.

S. Harder, B. Jacobsen, S. Køppe, S. Lunn, B.B. Mathiesen & M.S. Væver (eds.). (2008). Sårbarhed. Diatese-stress-modellen til diskussion. [Vulnerability – a discussion of the diatesis-stress-model]. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

S. Balint, J. Gammelgaard, S. Lunn & S. Aagaard (red.) (2007). Psykoanalysens aktualitet.

Danmark: Multivers Academic.

S. Køppe, B.B. Mathiesen , J.B. Sørensen, B. Jacobsen, M. Væver, S. Harder, & S. Lunn. Kroppen i psyken. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

P. Elsass & S. Lunn (red.) (2000). Psykologi i forvandling. Universitetsklinikken/Institut for

Psykologi, Københavns Universitet.

Gammelgaard, J. & Lunn, S. (1997) (red.). Om psykoanalytisk kultur – et rum for refleksion. København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.

Lunn, S. & Skydsbjerg, M. (1988). Neuropsykologiske og psykosociale implikationer af AIDS og HIV-smitte. Forskningsafhandling, Universitetsklinikken, København Universitet (150 sider).


Mongraphs non-peer reviewed

Lunn, S. (2003). Medforfatter til Sundhedsstyrelsens rapport: Spiseforstyrrelser. Anbefalinger for organisation og behandling. Sundhedstyrelsen, 2003, 170 sider.

Medforfatter til Sundhedsstyrelsens rapport: Spiseforstyrrelser, hvor stort er problemet og hvordan kan man forebygge. Forebyggelse og Sundhedsfremme, nr.10, 1997.

S. Lunn & N. Rosenberg & P. Thielst (1990). Psykolgi – en grundbog til et fag. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag. 

S. Lunn & N.K. Rosenberg (1986) (red.). Psykologi – en indføring i teori og anvendelse. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.


Book chapters, peer reviewed

Lunn, S., Poulsen, S. & Daniel, S. (2015). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a client with bulimia nervosa – a single case study. In: Heather Thompson-Brenner (ed.). Evidence Based Casebook.

Lunn S., Pedersen, S.H., Jensen, B.M. & Rosenbaum, R. Psykoterapi af spiseforstyrrelser. In: F. Alberdi & B. Rosenbaum (red.). Moderne Psykoterapi. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Lunn, S. & Lindhardt, A. (2013). Psykoanalyse og gruppeanalyse – om forholdet mellem psykoanalytisk individualterapi og gruppeterapi. I: J. Nielsen & P. Sørensen, Brug gruppen, psykodynamisk gruppeterapi. Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 74-94.

Lunn, S. (2012). Kampen mod kroppen. [The struggle against the body]. In: L. Holm & S. T. Kristensen. Mad, mennesker og måltider [Food, Humans and Meals]. Danmark: Munksgaard.

Lunn, S. & Rosenbaum, B. (2010). Introduktion til del I. [Introduction to part I].  I: S. Lunn, K. Rokkedal & B. Rosenbaum (red.). Frås og fase – spiseforstyrrelser i klinisk og kulturel belysning. [Gluttony and asceticism - eating disorders from a clinical and cultural perspective]. København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, s. 15-17.

Lunn, S. (2010). Spiseforstyrrelsernes historie. [The history of eating disorders]. In: Ibid, s. 17-23.

Lunn, S. & Rokkedal, K. (2010). Diagnostisk afgrænsning. [Diagnostic classification]. In: Ibid. s. 25-27.

Lunn, S. (2010). Teorier om årsager til spiseforstyrrelser. [Etiological theories of eating disorders]. In: Ibid, s. 39-61.

Lunn, S. (2010). Introduktion til del III. [Intodution to part III]. In: Ibid, 165-169.

Lunn, S. (2010). Den vanskelige behandlingsopgave. [The difficult treatment task]. In: Ibid, 171-181.

Lunn, S. (2010). Psykoanalytiske teorier om spiseforstyrrelser. [Psychoanalytic theories of eating disorders]. In: Ibid, 183-198.

Lunn, S. (2010). Psykoanalytisk psykoterapi. [Psychoanalytic psychotherapy]. In: Ibid, 199-211.

Lunn, S., Clausen, L. & Godt, K. (2010). Introduktion til del V. [Intodution to part V]. In: Ibid, 413-416.

Theilgaard, A., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (2010). Den psykologiske samtale. [The psychological dialogue]. In: S. Lunn (red.). Fra kromosomer til metaforerKlinisk psykologi i spændingsfeltet mellem humaniora og naturvidenskab. [From cromosomes to metaphors - Cinical psychology in between the humanities and science].København: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.

Lunn, S. & Køppe, S. (2008). Freuds ætiologiske model. In: S. Harder, B. Jacobsen, S. Køppe, S. Lunn, B.B. Mathiesen & M.S. Væver. Sårbarhed. Diatese-stress-modellen til diskussion.

Lunn, S. (2008). Anorexia nervosa – nervosa – udvikling og årsager. In: S. Harder, B. Jacobsen, S. Køppe, S. Lunn, B.B. Mathiesen & M.S. Væver. Sårbarhed. Diatese-stress-modellen til diskussion..

Lunn, S. & Wagtmann, M. (2007). Psykoanalytisk dannelse og uddannelse. I: B. Rosenbaum, S. Balint, J. Gammelgaard, S. Lunn & S. Aagaard (red.).Psykoanalysens aktualitet. Danmark: Multivers Academic.

Lunn, S. (2004). Krop, køn og identitet. In: S. Køppe, B.B. Mathiesen, J.B. Sørensen, B. Jacobsen, M. Væver, S. Harder, & S. Lunn (red.).  Kroppen i psyken, København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 203-231.

Lunn, S. (2000). Psykoanalyse og kognitiv terapi. En diskussion af forskelle og ligheder. In: P. Elsass & S. Lunn (red.) (2000). Psykologi i forvandling. Universitetsklinikken/Institut for Psykologi, Københavns Universitets, s. 65-75.

Lunn, S. (2000). Den kliniske psykologis udvikling ved Københavns Universitet. I: ibid. s. 11-17.

Lunn, S. (2002). Adolescens, leksikonartikel. In: O. A. Olsen. Psykodynamisk leksikon. København, Gyldendal, s. 15-17.

Lunn, S. (2002). Anorexia nervosa, leksikonartikel. In: Ibid., s. 82-84.

Lunn, S. (2002). Bulimia nervosa, leksikonartikel. In: Ibid., s. 137-139.

Lunn, S. (2002). Skam, leksikonartikel. In: Ibid., s. 731-732.

Lunn, S. (2002) Spiseforstyrrelser, leksikonartikel. In: Ibid., s. 758-759. 

Lunn, S., Theilgaard, A., Wither, G. (1995). Gruppeterapeutisk behandling af bulimi. I: Aagaard, S. et al. (red.) Gruppeanalytisk Gruppeterapi, s. 181-200. København: Hans Reitzel.


Recent published conference abstracts

Louise Tækker,L., Pacini,  E., Sjödin, A., Schmidt,J.B, Nielsen, MS. & Lunn, S. (2015). Change in Interpersonal Sensitivity following weight loss in severely obese patients.

Lunn, S., Poulsen, S. & Daniel, S. (2015). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa – a single case study. Book of Abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research, 46th Annual International Meeting, Philadelphia.

Poulsen, S., Lunn, S., & Daniel, S.I.F. (2015). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy or cognitive behavior therapy for bulimia nervosa: Long-term effects on defense style and personality organization. Book of Abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research, 46th Annual International Meeting, Philadelphia, 145.

Daniel, S.I.F., Folke, S., Katznelson, H., Talia, A., Poulsen, S., & Lunn, S. (2015). Client attachment and in-session verbal productivity. Book of Abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research, 46th Annual International Meeting, Philadelphia, 164.

Lunn, S. (2014). “Too much – not enough. “The representation of the body and the meaning of symptoms in patients with eating disorders”. 23. Nordic psychoanalytic Congress, Oslo. 

Lunn, S., Poulsen, S. & Daniel, S. (2014). Drop out cases and cases with poor outcome in Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa – a preliminary study. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research, 45th international meeting, Copenhagen. 

Daniel, S.I.F., Folke, S., Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2014). A closer look at the Bulimia Trial therapy process: Alliance, in-session silence, client session experience, and therapist feelings. Book of abstracts, Society for psychotherapy Research, 45th international meeting, Copenhagen.

Folke, S., Daniel, S.I.F , Tækker, L., Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2014). Therapeutic alliance and therapist adherence in two psychotherapies for bulimia: Their relationship to outcome and to client attachment patterns. Book of abstracts, Society for psychotherapy Research, 45th international meeting, Copenhagen. 

Poulsen, S., Lunn, S. & Daniel, S.I.F. (2014). Long-term outcome of a randomized controlled trial of psychoanalytic psychotherapy or cognitive behaviour therapy for bulimia nervosa. Book of abstracts, Society for psychotherapy Research, 45th international meeting, Copenhagen.

Poulsen, S., Lunn, S., Tækker, L. & Daniel, S.I.F. (2013). Client experience of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and cognitive behaviour therapy for bulimia nervosa. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research, 44th International Meeting, Brisbane, 31.

Lunn, S. The Copenhagen bulimia trial: Discussion of the results. The European Council on Eating Disorders, Oslo, September 2013.

Folke, S., Lunn, S., Daniel, S.I.F., Tækker, L., & Poulsen, S. (2012). Training students as raters in psychotherapy process research. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research, 43th International Meeting, Virginia Beach, 151.

Katznelson, H., Pedersen, S.H., Folke, S., Daniel, S.I.F., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (2012). Change in reflective functioning in a randomized controlled trial of psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa: A study of mentalization, psychotherapy and eating disorders. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research, 43th International Meeting, Virginia Beach, 105.

Poulsen, S., Daniel, S.I.F. & Lunn, S. (2012).The impact of attachment patterns in patients with bulimia nervosa on therapist countertransference. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research, 43th International Meeting, Virginia Beach, 83. 

Lunn, S., Poulsen, S. & Daniel, S. (2011). A multiple case study of psychoanalytic therapies with good and poor outcome in clients with bulimia nervosa. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research 42st International Meeting, Bern, 138. 

Poulsen, S., Lunn, S. & Daniel, S. (2011).A randomized controlled trial of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research 42st International Meeting, Bern, 137-138.

Daniel, S, Poulsen, S & Lunn, S. (2011). Client Attachment and Treatment Outcome in Psychoanalytic and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research  42st International Meeting, Bern, 138. 

Daniel, S., Poulsen, S. & Lunn, S. (2011). Attachment in Bulimia Nervosa: Stability and Change of Attachment States of Mind in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy. Book of Abstracts, International Attachment Conference, Oslo, Norway.

Daniel, S.I.F., Lunn, S., & Poulsen, S. (2010). Client attachment and session evaluation in psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa. Book of abstracts, Society for Psychotherapy Research 41st International Meeting, Asilomar Californien, 107.

Lunn, S. (2010). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy versus cognitive therapy in patients with bulimia.  Precongress for academic research, 22. Nordic Psychoanalytic Congress, Helsinki.

Lunn, S. & Poulsen, S. (2006). Attachment and psychoanalytic psychotherapy for bulimia. 20. Nordic Psychoanalytic Congress, Oslo.

ID: 13229