Young men with low birthweight exhibit decreased plasticity of genome-wide muscle DNA methylation by high-fat overfeeding

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  • Stine C Jacobsen
  • Linn Gillberg
  • Jette Bork-Jensen
  • Rasmus Ribel-Madsen
  • Ester Lara
  • Vincenzo Calvanese
  • Charlotte Ling
  • Agustin F Fernandez
  • Mario F Fraga
  • Pernille Poulsen
  • Charlotte Brøns
  • Vaag, Allan
The association between low birthweight (LBW) and risk of developing type 2 diabetes may involve epigenetic mechanisms, with skeletal muscle being a prime target tissue. Differential DNA methylation patterns have been observed in single genes in muscle tissue from type 2 diabetic and LBW individuals, and we recently showed multiple DNA methylation changes during short-term high-fat overfeeding in muscle of healthy people. In a randomised crossover study, we analysed genome-wide DNA promoter methylation in skeletal muscle of 17 young LBW men and 23 matched normal birthweight (NBW) men after a control and a 5 day high-fat overfeeding diet.
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)1154-1158
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 26 feb. 2014

ID: 102065681